Office Antics

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        Loki sat bored at his desk, idly playing with his pen whilst he waited impatiently for any phone-calls to come in. He found his human, day-job to be rather uneventful but at least he was somewhat fitting in around the office, at least more-so than his clumsy partner of whom had just tripped, scattering his paper-work about once he had fallen to the carpeted floor.

        "I'm okay!" The Joker announced to his concerned partner as he picked himself up from the floor in order to dramatically dust himself off. Loki merely rolled his emerald eyes in response before returning his bored gaze to his pen. Loki was then startled from his thoughts by the obnoxious sound of his desk's old, analog phone ringing.

        "Tom speaking; how may I help you?" Loki answered the phone, a bit, too eagerly with his fake, human name. Loki had chosen to go by the name of Tom, due to The Joker's insistence that he looked like a Tom whilst The Joker had merely chosen to go by his real name: Jack. The Joker also wore a blond wig to work in order to pass off his pale skin as just being Albino. All Loki had to do in order to disguise himself was wear a black suit.

        "Just a moment." Loki then placed the caller on hold once they had asked for Barbara Gordon.

        "Ms. Gordon? You have a call on line one." Loki then informed The Commissioner's daughter over the intercom before returning to fiddling with his pen. After about ten minutes, the phone had rang again.

        "Tom speaking; how may I help you?" Loki once again answered that phone, just a bit, too eagerly only for his face to fall dramatically upon realizing that it had been the same caller of whom had requested Barbara Gordon.

        "Just a moment..." Loki sighed as he once again placed the impatient caller on hold in order to transfer her call to Barbara Gordon. After another ten minutes of fiddling around with his pen, the phone had rang once again.

        "Hello?" Loki this time had answered the phone with a hint of irritation as his own patience were beginning to wear thin.

        "Alright, I am going to transfer you again but you have to be patient this time..." Loki then proceeded to scold the caller for her prior impatience. Loki's irritation only grew once the caller had explained that the phone kept hanging up on her after ten minutes. Loki released another sigh of irritation before transferring the call once again when he took notice of The Joker passing by his desk with another large stack of paperwork.

        "Jack? JACK?!" Loki then addressed his lover by his real, former name, startling his poor lover in the process.

        "What's the matter, sweetie?" The Joker inquired as he struggled to pick up the scattered paperwork of which he had been startled into dropping.

        "Where the bloody Hell is Barbara and why is she not answering her phone?!" Loki angrily demanded.

        "I don't know..." The Joker replied, cluelessly with an adorable shrug when the phone had rang once again.

        "Hello?!" Loki had answered the phone rather aggressively this time.

        "Unfortunately, Barbara Gordon has passed away..." Loki then fibbed with his best voice of sympathy. When The Joker had burst into laughter at his response, Loki had completely lost his composure and had begun to giggle as well.

        "Don't call here again..." Loki then proceeded to hang up on the impatient caller before bursting into a fit of laughter as well.

        "Jack, stop..." Loki then attempted to scold his partner in between giggles whilst both men continued to laugh about the events that had just transpired. Later into the evening, Loki and The Joker were finishing up the last of their paperwork for the day as they prepared to head home for that night. The two had been discussing what they would like to have for dinner that night and were leaning heavily towards pizza when Barbara Gordon stormed into their shared office.

        "Tom! Did you tell one of my clients that I passed away?!" She demanded.

        "No, of course not!" Loki of course denied the claim with a false look of bewilderment. However, The Joker's giggling in the background gave him away.

        "Well, she's telling me you did and since she's a good friend of mine, I'm more inclined to believe her over you!" Barbara proceeded to yell at Loki for over an hour, going as far as to threaten to either take away his office in order to put him in doc review or to even fire him entirely.

         "Don't talk to be like that..." Loki finally interjected in spite of the fact that he could feel his eyes beginning to fill with tears.

        "I am your boss! I can talk to you however I want to!" As Barbara said this, a mix of emotions began to swirl within the pit of Loki's chest and in turn, his powers had caused all of the building's power to shut off.

        "What the Hell?!" Barbara gasped within the newfound darkness as Loki took the distraction as an opportunity to make his tearful escape. Naturally, The Joker was quick to follow his partner although, he had lost track of him rather quickly. The Joker decided to first check their hideout to see if Loki had returned home only to find their hideout in shambles as if a storm had just ripped through the building.

        "Lo-lo! Are you okay?!" The Joker then gasped once he had finally managed to locate his partner on the floor amongst the wreckage, curled up in a ball and crying softly.

        "D-Don't look at me!" Loki sobbed with shame as he buried his face into the concrete floor. The Joker of course ignored his partner's request, instead opting to kneel down beside him and pull him into a gentle hug.

        "Lo-lo, what's wrong? Talk to me..." The Joker soothed as he gently began to stroke Loki's silky, black hair in an attempt to comfort him.

        "It's just that...No matter how hard I try, I can't fit in anywhere...I'll always be an outcast..." Loki sobbed softly into The Joker's lap.

        "Aw, Lo-lo...I've always had a hard time fitting in as well, even before I fell into that vat of chemicals..." The Joker admitted as he found himself able to relate to Loki in this matter. When Loki looked up at him with those sad, red, puffy, tear-filled eyes, The Joker continued.

        "I was always the class clown, the only time anyone would go out with me was if they lost a bet or to see who could bring the biggest loser to a party..." The Joker elaborated further.

        "I suppose, at least we fit in together..." Loki sniffled as this time, he was the one to pull The Joker into a gentle hug. The Joker felt tears of his own beginning to fall as he gently returned Loki's hug with a few sobs.

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