Heroes and Villains

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        Loki and The Joker would go on to get jobs whilst disguised as normal humans. Loki did not have to do much other than change his name to Tom under The Joker's suggestion that he looked like a Tom. However, The Joker chose to wear a blond wig in order to pass off as Albino with his pale skin. Miraculously, the two had managed to land office jobs within the same building so they would have the luxury of working together often. The two men grew closer within their relationship over the passing weeks as well in spite of Loki's mild irritation with The Joker constantly pulling small pranks on him.

        One day, as Commissioner Gordon and his daughter were taking their Limousine to Metropolis for business purposes, they were held up in traffic upon a bridge due to construction. The construction taking place already made many feel uneasy but then the pressure from a jackhammer caused the concrete road to begin to crack in various places.

        "Dad! Come on!" Barbara was quick to hop out of the Limo, dragging her father behind her by the arm when the bridge's steel cables began to snap. As cars began to fall through the cement of the bridge, many began to flee.

        "Look!" A woman called out as she pointed to an approaching figure soaring through the sky, towards the collapsing bridge.

        "Is it Superman?!" A guy then spoke up as Barbara then turned her attention toward the fast approaching figure.

        "Woo-hoo!" The Joker cheered as Loki swiftly carried him toward the crumbling bridge.

        "The Joker?" Barbara questioned as she watched Loki set the clown upon his feet at the base of the bridge.

        "I'll handle the bridge; you evacuate the civilians!" Loki instructed before flying off.

        "You got it, Lo-lo!" The Joker giggled before going to each vehicle in order to tell whoever was still inside to flee.

        "What is he up to?" Barbara murmured beneath her breath breaking into a run.

        "Barbara! Where are you going?!" Commissioner Gordon then called out after her when she disappeared into the crowd. He was then quick to follow her when the concrete only continued to crack and crumble beneath him.

        "Come on! Everybody off the Bus!" The Joker then shouted into a Bus after having used the acid within the flower clipped to his lapel to melt a hole through the automatic doors.

        "Did you just melt my Bus?!" The Bus-driver then yelled as everyone began to exit the Bus due to seeing The Joker's face alone.

        "There's no time! We have to go, now!" The Joker then grabbed the Bus-driver's arm in order to lead her off of the Bus only for the heavy-set woman to begin swatting at him.

        "Ow! Hey! I'm trying to save your life!" The Joker complained as the woman just continued to smack him whilst complaining about her damaged Bus. She then screamed once the concrete had given way beneath her.

        "No!" The Joker cried out as he tried and failed to catch the woman of whom was now beginning to plummet towards the ocean below. However, before to woman could fall into the water, she was caught by none-other than Batgirl swooping in with the use of her grappling-hook. The Joker let out a brief sigh of relief before returning his attention to evacuating the bridge. In the meantime, Loki used his ice-powers to begin freezing the bridge's cracks, careful not to freeze any of the cars or fleeing civilians in the process. The ice would not last but it would at the very least hold the bridge in place long enough for everyone to escape.

        However, Loki's plan had backfired when people began to slip and fall on the ice which seemed to go unnoticed by both Loki and The Joker.

        "Oh, no! Lois! She's still on the Bus!" Another woman cried out, alerting The Joker to the Bus that was now beginning to fall through the bridge.

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