6. Hometime

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Harry had gone to his dressing room, removed the wet clothes and dried off. He put his hair back in a man bun and got dressed in his own clothes that he had worn that morning. He had to admit to himself that he liked this job. It gave him a feeling of freedom, not having specific hours, or being tied down to a desk. He left the room and made his way to the conference room. He was glad that he was going to get a say - he hoped - in what photos were going to be used in publication, not that he had an eye for this sort of thing.

And looking at himself had never been a thing for Harry. He wasn't a vain man, and had never thought himself to be beautiful. Although, he loved to admire beauty, because let's face it, he was a hot blooded male, but to him the form of beauty came in anyone else but himself. He reached the conference room, and walked inside.

The whispering that he heard when he walked in, stopped suddenly when they saw who it was. Frank had also joined them, and everyone was looking up a big screen on the wall. It had been connected to Draco's computer, so that the images could be seen by everyone, without them having to circle around each other. Frank smiled when he saw Harry and waved him over.

They all took their seats, and waited for Draco to finalize the set up. Harry was sitting with his elbows on his knees, leaning forward. He was watching Draco, who still seemed to look pissed off. He really wanted to know if he had offended the man, but thought better of it. Now was not the time, he had to play the game and be professional.

Suddenly the first images were up on the screen. Harry had no knowledge if they wanted his opinion, and so kept quiet, listening to them voice their own. What photos to choose, and what to discard. Which was cover material, and which could be archived for a separate edition. It was fun, but it was tiring. Looking at the same man, with the same clothes, in the same environment, was taxing. Well, that's what Harry thought anyway.

Pansy and Frank were in agreement that the photo of Harry's hand in his pants should be on the cover, while Draco actually agreed with them. Blaise it seemed, had opted to sit on the fence and watch them work it out for themselves. He went to sit down next to Harry and smiled at him.

"Don't worry Harry. They always decide together - you'll get used to it", he chuckled.

"I'm not worried", he said with a smirk, liking Blaise immensely and wondering why they hadn't tried being friends earlier.

Blaise smirked and said it was equal. "You must remember, we do this for sales as well, so the more the magazine sells, the more profit we make, ergo the more money you will make. If it was your decision, which photo would you choose?", he asked looking at the green eyed hunk.

Harry raised his eyes at the screen, ignoring the talking and ranting from the others and stood up to get a closer look. When they saw him move and point to the same picture, they all became silent.

"Perfect. Even our golden boy sees what we do", said Pansy with finality.

She looked at him, and even though she knew the magazine would sell a lot of copies with any of the other pictures, she wanted even more sales. It wasn't just because he was gorgeous, it was because he was Harry Potter. She took a deep breath and said, "So it's agreed then - I think that the photo with your hand in your pants will sell even more copies than the one with you lying down in a bloody swimming pool".

"It's all about profit Harry", said Frank, trying to push his point. Harry nodded in understanding, and looked at Blaise. "Can I ask something?", asked Harry.

Blaise nodded.

"Is it always you four that decide what photo goes on the cover?", he asked, blowing them away with his question.

"Yes", snapped Draco, who apparently was still not over his sour mood. "Why do you ask Potter?".

Annoyed at the attitude of the blond, he was going to keep his idea to himself. "Just asking Malfoy", he said and took his seat again.

His suggestion was going to be to ask all the staff to vote, but apparently that would be a stupid move, if Draco's mood was anything to go by.

After half an hour had passed, it was decided that Pansy and Frank had won, and the cock cupping photo was going to be the cover shot. For which they were both happy about, Blaise was pleased that it had been settled, Draco was very pissed that the photo and the man had such a strong effect on him, and Harry was thankful.

It was time to go home. Harry said his goodbyes, and noticed that his trio of staff were walking behind him towards the outside world, to go to their own homes. He passed an office where he could see about five ladies had come together and were whispering. He nodded his greeting to them, and heard one of them say -

"Oh my god! I would love to take hold of his man bun, and steer him in direction while he dines on my lady sandwich"

- which of course made Harry blush to the roots of his hair, and give that famous smirk of his, Blaise to laugh out loudly, Pansy to stare at them in horror, and Draco to snap at them, saying they were here to work, not here to perv over Potter - which of course made Harry blush even further.

People perved over him?

Clicking his tongue in frustration, he reached the door when Blaise shouted out, "Harry, hold up", and ran towards him with an envelope. Harry took it with a frown, and waited for Blaise to explain. In the meantime, Pansy and Draco had caught up with them, seeing the blush.

"This is your schedule for the week. What time you need to be here, what shoots we'll be doing with you and so on. Go over it, memorize it, and we'll see you in the morning, yeah?", said Blaise.

Harry thanked him taking the envelope and made his way towards his motorbike. He climbed on after putting his sunglasses on and rode away. "He needs a car - he can't be seen on that bike. The reporters will have a field day after the magazine hits the shelves. Either that or a bloody chauffeur to drive him around", said Blaise.

'And exactly what part of this whole thing makes you think that Potter would allow that?", asked Draco.

"He thinks you're pissed at him", said Blaise ignoring the comment.

Pansy and Draco spoke at the same time.

"Why on earth would he think that?" asked Pansy

"I'm always pissed at Potter - you know that", replied Draco. They each went their separate ways after that comment, with Draco assuring them that he was all right. Just tired. They didn't believe him, but left it at that.

Maybe by tomorrow he would have gotten over his moods, and be the bubbly photographer that they knew and loved.

Take The Damn Shot!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن