10. On The Cover

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Midnight had come and gone and Harry was oblivious to the reactions. The rest of his staff however were not. They had been in the game long enough to know what was coming their way. The critics were either going to love him or hate him, and because he was Harry Potter, they were putting all their money and opinions on loving him.

Let's not beat around the bush here. Harry was a beautiful man, and even though he never thought this of himself, there were many others who did. When the stores opened the next morning, and Zabini's Fashion hit the shelves, thirteen of them were sold out in record time, and even phoned the editor for more copies. Which of course sent up their ratings and sales, and Frank couldn't be happier.

Harry had been given the day off, Pansy citing that he needed to rest before their next major shoot which would happen in two days time. They were going to a beach, and he needed to model their summer collection. He was happy that he could sleep in, but it was interrupted by the shrill sound of his mobile ringing in his ears.

"Ello", he greeted groggily. When Harry heard the female voice of Rita Skeeter, he grimaced, as if to ask what the hell did she want. And how did she get his number?

"Harry! Do you normally fondle yourself when posing for photos?", she asked, and before he could sputter out an answer, her next question was asked.

"How do you feel knowing that everyone is going to see that?"

"Is Frank Zabini paying you more for posing sexy on the May edition?"

He bit out, "Fuck off", and pressed the red button on his screen, falling back onto his pillow. Shit! He needed to speak to Blaise. He was the agent, and he would know how to handle this. Harry dialed his number and it was picked up as if he had been waiting for the call.

"Harry. Stay where you are, we will come to you", and ended the call. He knew how the man must be feeling, and wanted to prepare him for the day. Not that he knew Skeeter had phoned Harry, but if the sales were anything to go by, then the whole world already knew about their cover. Time for some damage control.

Blaise knew that this edition would be a best seller, but he didn't realize that it would happen at this rate. So calling for the rest of his trio, they climbed in the car, ignoring the press that had gathered at the agency and made their way towards Harry's house. Of course there were reporters outside, cameras at the ready, (sigh!) He opened the door after the second knock.

He had just gotten out of bed, and hadn't dressed yet. All he had on was a bright sky blue pair of boxer underwear, and when he did open the door, cameras started flashing. Draco put a hand on his chest and pushed him back inside.

"Fuck Potter, don't you know better than to answer the door with no clothes!", he spat at the man.

Harry, loving the hand on him, but frowned when the door was slammed shut by Pansy, he was almost out of breath.

"What the hell is going on?", he asked. "Rita bloody Skeeter phoned me this morning and asked me weird questions, and I don't even know where she got my number from", he said.

Blaise asked Harry what sort of questions and when he told him, Blaise just nodded. Harry also told him that he hadn't answered any of them. "I did tell her to fuck off though", he said with a cheeky grin.

"Thank Merlin for small favors", sneered Draco. Harry looked at the man, and knew that Draco hated him. The man thought he was stupid and worthless, and that was okay. But to openly portray what you were feeling was horrible, even for a Malfoy. "Go and put some clothes on Potter", he snapped again, really wanting the hero to cover up his magnificent chest.

Harry, literally feeling the disgust coming from Draco in waves, ran up the stairs, and did just that. He returned soon after and saw that Pansy had helped herself to boiling the kettle for some coffee. He joined her in the kitchen to help, and asked her what Draco's problem was.

"Nothing Harry. Draco is just high strung. Always has been", she said with a wink.

"Yeah, but it's only with me, have you noticed?", he asked with a pout.

"Yes I have. But it's only you that's ever been able to affect him this way", she said with another wink and walked back into the living room.

Harry frowned at her words, but wasn't entirely sure what she had meant by them, and followed her with a tray of coffee and biscuits, and took a seat next to Blaise. The agent turned to him and told him that it was because the magazine had been published and the sales were off the record. Any questions that he was asked, he was told to either say 'no comment', or tell the reporters to speak to his agent.

"Although I will be making a statement shortly. Weird considering it's just a model shoot", he sighed.

"You think I should take a step back?", asked Harry. He wasn't ready for this - this fame thing. Not that he wasn't already famous, but this was for a whole different reason and on a very different scale.

"No", replied Blaise. "I just think certain protocols have to be put in place from now on", he said.

"Protocols?", asked Harry.

"Yeah. You don't go anywhere without one or more of us, you don't ride your bike anymore, you wait until the car arrives to pick you up, any public meeting or appointment that you have with your friends will have to be monitored or sheltered, things like that", Blaise told him. Harry wasn't sure that he liked this.

"I knew the photo we picked would cause an uproar", whined Draco. "I just fucking knew it", he said and looked at their model. He looked gorgeous again today, in a pair of black jeans and a light pink T shirt. He was still barefoot though, which only added to his sex appeal.

"Stop whining Draco", said Pansy. "Your work is going to be adored - you know that", she offered with a smile.

"I'm not whining. I'm just....", and he threw his hands up in the air. "It's fucking Potter - of course they're going to go crazy - they always go bat shit crazy", he drawled.

"Well, you were the one who told him to touch his cock", sniggered Pansy, making Draco blush.

"Not that way!", he sputtered out, making Harry choke on his coffee. They were having an argument because of him. Because of the way he had posed in his first official shoot. He composed himself and listened further. He was an idiot. He didn't want this. And so he did the only thing that he was famous for.

He apologized.

"I'm sorry", he said.

"Oh grow up Potter!", Draco spat out. He looked at Pansy and saw her raise an eyebrow.

"What?", he shouted at her. "All I'm saying, is that the photo shouldn't have been that bloody provocative. Now the world wants to eat him alive - bet you just love the attention, don't you Potter? Famous Potter, having the world bend down to him".

Harry stood up at those words, his own anger coming to the forefront. "What the fuck is your problem Malfoy? You told me to go with it, so I went with it. Now you're pissed that I actually fucking listened to you?", he shouted back.

"Whatever", he said and sat back down. He hung his head in his hands, and after he had calmed down a bit, looked at Blaise and said, "About that statement. Maybe you want to do it now", he suggested.

Blaise licked his lips and nodded. "I'll be back in a sec - nobody joins me while I'm out there. All right Harry?", he asked looking at the golden boy.

Harry nodded and sank back into his chair, hoping that Blaise would appease the mob, and that Draco would get over his disgust.

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