11. A Loud Statement

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Blaise closed the button on his suit jacket and stepped outside of Harry's house.  The reporters were still there, and so when he just stood outside he held up his hand in an effort to tell them that he had something to say.  There was immediate silence.  Several microphones were shoved into his face, and for a while he basked in the glory that he was going to be the one to tell them exactly what was going on, but then remembered this had to be professional.

No longer the petty children, he had a model and an agency to protect from these vultures, and he would do just that.

"Thank you for your time.  Please consider this my only official statement, seeing as though none of you can leave my model alone", he sneered, making them feel uncomfortable.  

"Harry Potter is without a doubt, the most beautiful man that has ever graced our pages, and most certainly our magazine cover.  The choice of photo should not shock you - he is a model after all.

The fact that all of you find this strange, is offensive to not only myself personally, but to my agency and the staff who have been working tirelessly so that you can all enjoy his beauty.

Harry has chosen modelling as his career, and I for one, commend him for that, because he hates the limelight, the publicity and the fame that already goes with his name.  But, there is an ulterior motive to him doing this, so please take note.   

Zabini's Fashion House approached Harry Potter in the hopes that he would once again show his worth.  Every business in the wizarding world has been tasked with a project to raise funds for orphans of the war, and the funding from the model shoots that Mr Potter is involved in, is going towards that project.  

Now I know how you all feel about the war, and that you will agree with me when I say, the orphans need that funding.  So, let him model in peace.  Let him show what he can do for all of us, for all of you, and especially for those orphans.

Thank you", he finished and then went  back inside to a hoard of questions that he wasn't even going to bother answering. 

When he went back inside, he was beaming with pride.  "Well, that's going to be on the news for sure", he said with a smirk.  "You all right Harry?", he asked with worry.

Harry smiled at him and said yes thank you.  "Perhaps it would be better if I left home with you guys.  Stay at a hotel or something", he suggested with a shrug.

"No, you'll be fine here as long as you don't leave.  We will collect you with a car tomorrow morning", said Blaise.  He needed to talk to Draco alone, and didn't want Harry hearing that conversation.  Harry said that was fine, and saw them off at the door, thanking them for ironing the mess out.  The one that he hadn't caused directly - well not in his mind at least.

The rest of the day went without incident except Hermoine phoning and telling him to put the telly on, he was headline news.  Which Harry did of course, and in the background of the news anchor, was the cover of the magazine, where he could be seen with his own hand in his pants, his head thrown back and his eyes closed.

Then he saw Blaise on the steps of his house, and heard the statement that was being said.  He was blown away by the words, because once again, he and Blaise hadn't exactly been friends during their school years.  And he had gone out and defended him, without even preparing what he was going to say.  Wow, thought Harry with a smile.

It made him feel warm, and was grateful that Blaise was his agent and not Malfoy.  Now there was a mind boggling situation.  Everything he said and did seemed to piss the blond off to the extreme.  The more Harry sat and thought about it, the more he couldn't find a reason.  Malfoy had insulted him when he had washed his hair, Malfoy had walked out after that shoot as well.  Did that mean that he found Harry a disgusting lustful fiend.  He really wanted to get along with all his staff members, but he had no idea how to approach the man.

Hermoine had said to let his feelers out, but he had tried that.  And he had been snapped at like a child who had been naughty.  He was well aware of the beauty that Malfoy himself possessed and wondered why he had never become a model.  The man was intoxicating.  Harry scolded himself for thinking that, but he wasn't just thinking of his looks.

Malfoy had always been good looking, fit, and his beauty regime was one that had Harry and all his friends at Hogwarts frowning on more days than not.  The man would rise early just so that he could lather himself with lotions and whatnot for the day, and he never missed a thing in his daily routine.  Well, it certainly showed, thought Harry.  His skin was stunning, his hair always in place.

So, what made the Slytherin Prince tick?  The more Harry asked himself this question, the more he wanted to know.  But he would be lying if he said that he was actually going to lose sleep over it.  If Malfoy didn't want to talk to him, then that was fine.  If the only time that he did in fact talk to him, was during the shoots, then that was also fine.  He would find a way to not talk to the blond, and when he was spoken to, he would keep his answers short and sweet.

That way, there would be no room for insults or shouting and accusations from either of them.  The only thing was, Harry didn't want that kind of relationship with Malfoy.  They spent a lot of time together, and he really wanted to make it work between them.  

Maybe he felt threatened by Harry.  But why?  He wasn't there to take his place and come between his friends.  He would speak to Pansy about it - or maybe not.  He sighed and paid attention to the television again.

"That is the very bold statement that Harry Potter's agent, Blaise Zabini made today from the steps of the golden boy's house.  Let it be said that Zabini has never done anything in a quiet way, and we all know that Harry Potter probably won't either.  Loud and proud - this is Neil Banting, signing off with your news at 10.  Good night".

Harry turned off the telly and went to bed.

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