21. Another Cover

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Harry and Draco weren't shy about their kissing session earlier, only happy that they could flaunt their passion for others to see and admire. They were not the same children who had left the battlefield a while ago, they were fully grown men. And they couldn't wait to hear the reactions from the public about them.

Harry was going with happy, while Draco was going with acceptance. Which was, in and of itself, the same thing. They had gathered in the conference room to go through the photos and decide which one to put on the cover. They were all in agreement that the one where Harry had his hands in the waistband of Draco's pants, and Draco's hands on his face, while nuzzling him with hunger, was the one to do their cover justice.

They sent everything to the editor, and answered questions about their relationship to a journalist that Frank had brought in. The issue was going to come out the next day, so all in all, they had really done what had been asked of them, if not feeling exhausted because of it.

After the journalist had left, Harry turned to Draco and said that he had missed his calling.

Draco raised an eyebrow at those words. "What do you mean Potter?", he asked raising his chin in a snob like manner, knowing exactly what Harry meant.

"You're a model. You were born to be a model Draco Malfoy", he said with a wink and a surety that the world was going to agree with him.

"Is that so?", he asked. "And what about my photography?", he asked with a cute pout. Harry kissed his pout and said he could still carry on with that, and suggested that maybe he should take on a protégé and teach him.

"Merlin's tits Potter, that is the best idea you've ever had. Other than the one where you demand I model with you", he bit out, tongue in cheek. Harry laughed out loud at him, and kissed him again.

Pansy and Blaise loved the fact that no more tension was going on between them, and asked their opinions about what they thought would be the reactions from the Weasleys.

Draco snorted, and said he would love to be a fly on that wall when they saw the magazine cover and read the article.

Harry simply said he didn't care.

Pansy then told everyone that she and Blaise both had something to tell them. They each had someone special in their lives. When she was asked who they were, she looked at Blaise with a shy smile. "Hermoine and I have sort got together without you lot and we kind of, we're going to see where it goes", she said.

Harry stood up and gave her a hug, wishing them both well and hoped that they were going to be happy. He also demanded that a party be held after the magazine came out. She agreed. Then they all turned their attention to Blaise, who at first was skeptical about their response, but seeing how they had accepted Pansy's relationship, knew that it was going to be a breeze.

"You remember Longbottom?", he asked Draco.

Draco's eyes went wide, "No way, are you serious?", he asked. Blaise nodded and said they had been on a couple of dates now, and it had the potential to turn into something serious.

"I didn't even know Longbottom liked cock", said Draco, making Harry snort.

"Draco, you like cock - it's not a rarity", he said to his lover.

"Well yes Potter, I love your cock, but never thought that Neville would - are you happy?", he asked Blaise.

His friend smiled and said that he was. "That's all that matters then - congratulations!", he said and Harry also wished him well, shaking his hand. They all went their separate ways home, waiting in anticipation for tomorrow.

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