18. A Hero's Reveal

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Two days later when the magazine hit the shelves, the wizarding world was shocked to the core, and almost came to a standstill. But in a good way. The four of them had gathered at Blaise's house, to watch the ratings and sales of the magazine, and to keep up with the news on what they had outed to the world.

The cover was simple. It was the picture of Harry in the red leather pants, with the title reading - 'THIS IS MY TRUTH'. Inside there were pages of more stunning photos with the colorful tie, and an exclusive interview of him telling the world that he was bisexual, and how he had chosen to embrace who he was, and urging others to do the same.

"There is no shame in who you choose to love - there is only shame in those that are trying to exploit you for it. All that matters is 'Hearts, not Parts'". The ratings and sales went up, and by the end of the day had surpassed all the other previous issues that they had sent out.

It had turned out to be a brilliant call from Blaise, and they decided to celebrate that night at his house. When Harry asked if he could invite Hermoine, Pansy said that she already had.

The owls that the agency had received were so many that they couldn't be counted, but most of them congratulated Harry on coming out, and demanding to know who the person was that wouldn't accept him for who he was. All in all, it was a raging success. When Hermoine arrived, Pansy went to greet her at the door, and they all sat around drinking champagne and laughing at what they had achieved.

A strange owl had come with a note, and it was Frank who brought it to their attention. He handed the letter to Harry with a nod. His face dropped once he recognized the writing, and looked up at Hermoine and the others. They felt the difference in his demeanor and asked what was wrong.

"It's from Ron", he said with a shaky voice.

"You don't have to open it you know", said Pansy. "And, if you want, I can go and hex his balls off for you. Just say the word", she offered, making everyone laugh out loud. He looked at the letter again, and put it on the table. Not wanting to read it, he just shook his head and told them that.

"You want me to?", asked Hermoine.

"Would it make me a coward if I said yes?", he asked back.

She shook her head no. "It would make you finally not give a shit", she said again with a swear word, making him laugh. He looked at Draco, and when he saw the blond wink at him, he told her to go ahead. She leaned across the table and picked the letter up.

Clearing her throat she started to read,

"Harry. It seems that you have told the world what I knew to be true all along, and for that I am rather revolted. What my sister did was wrong, but I want you to know that blood is thicker than water. If that is my fault in all of this, for supporting her, then so be it. I think she wants back into your life - she has since she saw the first magazine with you on the cover. Could you perhaps try and find it in your heart to forgive her, and maybe try again. We have tried to phone, but your number is out of reach? I know she still loves you. That's all I ask. Your friend, Ron."

Harry burst into hysterical laughter, making the others frown at him. He wiped at his eyes, and snorted at the letter. "Oh, this is precious", he said with spite. He asked Blaise for a quill and parchment, wanting to send an immediate reply. They all crowded around him and watched as he wrote back.

"Ron. You were wrong. I'm not gay - the article states this, perhaps you should read it again. As for your sister, if she loved me she wouldn't have fucked another bloke. Makes me wonder how many others there were, and thank Merlin I never touched her in that way. I can get it up just fine thank you, maybe your sister is the problem. Of course she would only want me when I'm on the cover of a magazine. Because apparently I love myself and the attention. Your words - not mine. I am over her, and I am over the friendship we had. Please do not contact me again. This is the last reply you will ever get from me. I have new friends and a new family, considering the one I had betrayed me in the worst way possible. H. Potter".

Everyone was astounded that Harry had written what he had, but slapped him on the back none the less, glad that he was finally rid of it. It seemed that Ginny Weasley only wanted him for his fame and money, and Ron was dedicated to his family, even if what they did was wrong. Good luck finding a partner who would put up with that shit, they all thought.

Harry stood up and when Draco spoke to him, he stood still. "I am so proud of you", he said softly, making the hero smile that sexy smile of his. Harry opened his arms, and Draco rushed into them, glad that they were finally free of all the crap that had been on their shoulders for a while now. He hugged Draco tightly to him, when Pansy cleared her throat as if to ask what was going on.

"What did Draco whisper in your ear that night Harry?", she asked with sincere curiosity. Looking at both of them, she waited with baited breath for an answer. Harry and Draco pulled away from the hug and looked at each other in question. Draco had already said that if she wanted to know, she had to ask Harry. If he answered, then fine. If he didn't, then also fine, but it was his decision.

"He said, and I quote - 'Let's start over' - so I nodded in agreement", said Harry. Draco raised an eyebrow, daring anyone to say anything. Hermoine looked at her friend and saw that he had a different way about him. Did he finally admit to Draco how he felt, or was she imagining things. She was a clever witch, and so watched them closely. They were standing very close to each other, and both of them were smiling.

"Harry Potter, you naughty devil", she said, making the connection.

"Sorry, what?", he asked, trying to make them believe he didn't know what they already did. He knew that look on Hermoine, having been her friend since forever.

"You are a sneaky Gryffindor - and here I thought only Slytherins had that trait", she said. Pansy looked at her in confusion, and then her eyes went wide, at what she had just realized too.

"Let's start over - that's the line you used?", she cried out to Draco. "Jesus, how boring", she said to her friend.

Harry and Draco were both enjoying the way that everyone in the room was trying to figure out how it was possible for them to hate each other the one day, and love each other the next. Not that anyone had spoken about love - yet.

"What are you two on about?", drawled Draco in a bored voice. He looked at Blaise and winked, knowing that his best friend was going to join them on the bandwagon, just as soon as the penny dropped. When he finally did, he burst out laughing, loving the fact that a snappy Draco was probably not going to be seen for a while.

"Finally got there, have you?", Draco snorted, and then burst out laughing too.

"Your lips were swollen", said Pansy looking at Harry. "In the photos, your lips were swollen, as if you'd just been snogging".

"That's because we had just been snogging Pans", said Draco. Harry blushed in his adorable way again, and then they were all laughing at the outcome of having Ron and Ginny cause all of this, and having them all apologize to each other.

Even Frank was pleased that they were all coming together like this, thanking the stars that he had approached Harry that night in a club.

More champagne was poured, and then Pansy asked for details, not giving a shit about how crass she sounded. "And, does Potter kiss like you thought he would?", she asked with a giggle.

"No", said Draco. "Better than I thought", he replied with a snort, making Harry snort as well.

"Harry, I am so happy for the both of you", said Hermoine. She knew that Harry would not just give his heart to anyone because of the hurt that he had gone through, but she also knew that Draco had wanted this for a while too now.

"Thank you", he said winking at Draco. They drank some more, and when it was time to leave, Harry and Draco did so first, going to his place, because he wanted to get his hands on the blond man.

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