Slowly rising off his bed, Taehyung glanced at the glowing alarm clock on his bedside.


Had he really lied in his thoughts for that long? Who knows, these days all he's got are his thought anyway. He shuffled his way to the bathroom down the hall, he didn't like using the one connected to his room.

It reminded him too much of the past.

He groped the door knob, twisting it and cringing as the creaking of the old wood echoed through the unnecessarily big house. He was always alone, so what was the point of having a big house?

He shuffled into the bathroom, noticing the change from carpet to tile dramatically. Picking up his toothbrush, he opened the cabinet and grabbed his favored toothpaste. It said it's orange crush flavored, but it still tasted like regular toothpaste.
After leaving a generous amount on the bristles, he set the tube down and and proceeded to brush his teeth, alone. Like every morning.
He looked up from the sink, noticing how bad he really was doing.
The bags under his eyes were so much more recognizable than they were a few weeks ago. His skin was pale, and he was painfully skinny. Everyday he would eat. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner. And, every time he would throw it up. The feeling of his
long boney fingers down his throat had come accustomed to the boy, throwing up every last bit of hope.

He was slowly killing himself, and he knew it.

As he finished brushing, he washed his toothbrush out before making his way back to his bedroom to get changed for the day.

As he was shuffling through his unwashed clothes, he had a sudden realization. "What's the point," he thought, "I'm not seeing anyone or going anywhere. might as well stay in my pajamas."

As he was leaving the room, a tiny, shiny object caught his eye. "Shit" he whispered, quickly shoving it to the back of the drawer, closing it and sighing.
"I don't really see the point of hiding it, it's not like anyone ever asks to come over"

After walking about 5 feet, he suddenly stopped as he actually thought about it.

"...Whatever, I'll just keep it out."

He turned around, shuffling his way back to his room and opening his drawer, only to find the sharp object staring right back at him. He pinched the object between his two frail fingers, closing the drawer and placing the object on the dresser. The
stained metal in the generous sunlight reflected all of
Taehyung's imperfections. All of which were his choice, not anyone else's. Not that anyone cared.

He winced as the pain on his arms became unbareable. He ran his gentle hand over the rough scars, clearly trying to heal themselves. But Taehyung was tired of trying to heal. He was beyond healing. Instead, he grabbed the tiny metal object,
lightly brushing it over the scars until he found the one he wanted to re-open.

The one he came to know. The one that always stayed. Nobody else really knew what this scar meant, or why he keeps re-opening it. Wait, that's right. Nobody ever checks up on him anyway. Maybe it was better off that way? Maybe it was easier for him to hide those hideous scars When nobody cared to ask.

He watched as the razor slowly dipped into the cracked opening, wincing as the pain ran up his arm and to his head. His eyes became glassy as a single tear dropped from his eye, to the fuzzy worn down carpet. He didn't bother looking away as he did it, he
was used to watching it. It became amusing for him to watch the blood trickle down his arm, creating an army of drips battling each other to be the first to create a fresh stain on whatever was below.

But, before he could truly to any damage, his phone buzzed.

"It's probably just a game notification."


He tilted his head to the side slightly as he temporarily set down the razor, walking over to his phone before reading the notification.

FluffyKookie sent you a chat!
FluffyKookie is typing...

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