Taehyung's eyes pierced into Jungkook's with such lust not even the death of a family member would snap him out of it. Jungkook never felt more helpless. His dominating eyes stared into his soul as his soft hands ran up Jungkook's sides, slowly slipping his shirt off and throwing it somewhere in the room. His eyes roamed over Jungkook's body as he smirked.

"I like you better without a top."

Without a second thought, he walked out of the room, leaving a very confused and slightly aroused topless Jungkook standing in the middle of an empty room. He breathed in a deep, long breath, inhaling the small scent of flowers and vanilla, before
stumbling out of the room. He made his way to the livingroom, where he found Taehyung placing a CD into the DVD player and pressing play. He turned around, his piercing blue contacts peering at Jungkook as a small smile played at his lips. He pointed the remote at the TV, pressed the power button, and made deep eye contact with Jungkook.

Jungkook barely had any time to process his sudden change in mood before Taehyung blurted "Ready to watch a movie?"
His bright smile was so inviting not even a terrified Jungkook could resist. He simply smiled and walked over, sitting on the soft sofa, startled when the lights suddenly switched off. He looked around, slightly panicking. That was, until he heard a light chuckle.

"Leaving the lights on would ruin the movie, wouldn't it, Jungkook?"

Hearing his name escape through Taehyungs deep voice was enough to force him to abruptly turn back to the screen. Taehyung walked back to the sofa, sitting on the complete opposite side of where Jungkook was. He was slightly disappointed, internally hoping he would sit at least a foot within Jungkook. Maybe he just respected personal space? No, that thought was long gone the second Taehyung's hands groped his sides moments before.

With the movie starting, Jungkook felt slight goosebumps appear, realizing how cold the room really was. He stood, walking over to a bin in front of the TV. He bent over, reaching for a blanket, shivering when he felt his pants tighten around his ass, creating a perfect view for the older. He heard a deep, long growl emit from behind him.

He straightened his back, turning around and locking eyes with the older. The younger blushed, whispering a faint "sorry" so quiet he wasn't sure if the other could even hear it. Until he heard a low chuckle slip from Taehyung's lips before the older spoke.

"Don't apologize, baby. I liked that show better anyway."

The older smirked, leaving Jungkook a blushing mess. When he made his way back to his seat, he was about to sit, when he heard a faint "no" from the darkness beside him. He looked up, only to find Taehyung already staring at him. But instead of awkwardly looking away, he mindlessly kept his gaze as the older gestured for him to come closer. Jungkook gulped as he subconsciously obeyed, walking closer to the older and sitting
down beside him.


He scooted a bit closer.

"Closer, Jungkook."

Hearing his name play out of Taehyung's mouth a second time, forced a small smirk across the youngers lips, wiping it off (luckily) before the older had noticed. He scooted so close their thighs were now touching. Jungkook blushed, he hadn't really been this close to anyone before. He tried his best to continue watching the movie without paying it too much mind.

Throughout the first 20 minutes of the movie, Jungkook was nervously fidgeting, without even realizing it. He would switch between bouncing his leg, tapping his foot, and chewing his bottom lip. He's never been this nervous before.

Jungkook didn't even pay attention to the movie they were watching, only realizing how close he was to Taehyung's body. He could smell his cologne, it was a conflicting mixture of soft florals and cigarettes. An unusual smell for cologne, but it fit Taehyung.

Not even 15 minutes later, Jungkook could feel himself slowly drift off to sleep. His head was slowly shifting downwards, until he felt a strong hand grip his thigh, jolting him awake He looked down to see Taehyung's hand gripping his soft thigh through the rough denim of his jeans.

"No sleeping, Jungkook."

"S-sorry, Hyung."

Hearing that must've snapped something in the older, because another soft yet lustful growl slipping through his throat and out his parted lips. He has yet to remove his hand was the youngers thigh, instead, traveling it up ever so slightly, causing rough shivers to make their way up and down Kook's thigh.

Taehyung was fully aware of what he was doing to the younger.

He inched his hand further up his thigh, causing Jungkook to visibly swallow, and reach for the water bottle in front of the two boys. He reached forward, wrapping his hand around the bottle and unscrewed the cap, Taehyung watching him with lust as his plump lips wrapped around the tip, tilting his head back and gulping down the clear substance.

The lighting was just right, creating a perfect silhouette for Taehyung, who watched his Adam's apple bob up and down with the movements of his mouth. He peered at the younger, who removed his mouth from around the tip, a slight spit string still connecting his lips with the bottle. He screwed the cap back on and sighed.

Feeling the older eyes burn into the side of his head, Jungkook turned to see Taehyung staring at him, his mouth parted slightly and his eyes clouded with nothing but pure lust.

The older watched Jungkook turn around, his eyes traveling down to his mouth, where his tongue slowly escaped, licking his plump lips before smirking slightly. Except this time, the older did indeed notice. Tae blinked slowly, still watching his lips with nothing but want and lust consuming his mind.

Snapping out of his entranced state, Taehyung blinking rapidly before looking back at the TV. Jungkook saw this as an opportunity to finally tease the older, like he'd been teasing him all night. He gathered up all the courage he had, subtly unbuckling his belt and unbuttoning his pants under the soft blanket the two had been sharing.

"I'm changing. I'll be right back."

He removed the blanket, smirking slightly when he saw the front of his underwear showing through the zipper of his pants. He looked back, noticing the older eyes immediately switch from his crotch to his eyes, lips slightly parting once again, before going back to the TV. The older sighed and replied with a simple "be back soon."

"Don't worry, I will, Taehyung."

He was waiting for a response, slightly satisfied when he heard a small, frustrated cough from the other.

The younger was slightly disappointed, hoping to get a better reaction from the older. But, instead, a small frown played on his face as he walked over to the bedroom, not bothering to turn on any lights. Once he reached the doorway, a brilliant plan came to mind. He smirked to himself when he started to think of the ways to get things even more heated. He came up with a fool proof plan that was sure to get the older to even have the slightest interest in him.

He left the door open, turned on the small lamp on his bedside table, and positioned himself so the standing mirror would reflect his image to where Taehyung could see him. Once he found the perfect spot, he breathed in deeply, gathering all his pride before slowly stripping. He'd made sure his ass was pointing right towards the mirror while he slowly bent over, removing his pants to reveal the woman's underwear he'd chosen to wear before the older came over.

Taehyung stayed sat on the couch, foolishly peering over to the room, only to find Jungkook bending over in the generous reflection of the mirror. He began staring, his eyes roaming over his legs and ass. It was so perfectly round, the small light from the lamp illuminating his smooth legsc toned all the way down to his ankles. The older groaned at the view before the sight became too much for him to handle from afar. He could feel his pants tightening as the room became hooded by his eyelids. He slowly stood, making his way towards the room where he found the younger still bent over, slowly lifting his chest and head, turning around and smirking at the older.

Taehyung hummed as he walked toward the younger, gripping his shoulders and turning him around, his buldge nuzzling perfectly into Jungkook's plump ass. His hand traveled up to his neck, pulling it back along with his head, placing his soft lips on Jungkook's ear, lightly wrapping his other hand around the youngers waist. His voice was raspy while whispering,

"Bend over for me again, baby boy."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2022 ⏰

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