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|Athena's POV|

As Sean's lips moved against my own, I couldn't help but feel those weird tingling sensation in my stomach. There was something about the way I would feel when I was with him. He was not the nicest— no arguments there— but he was not the worst either.

He made me feel things I've never felt before and I haven't known him for the longest time.

He was a weird person— nice when he wanted to be, an asshole when he wished to which was most of the time, a cold hearted murderer when he felt like it— he was hard to read.

Why had I kissed him back at the ball thing? Well why not? I wanted to. For once, I wanted to leave my past behind and start afresh, you know? Not thinking about what could go wrong or how he would react if he was to find out about what happened although worst had happened to his sister.

I wanted to give us a chance although I had no freaking idea what was going on through his mind. He could be taking me for a one-time thing but then again, Alessio told me that Sean only did quick fucks; he wouldn't spend his time kissing some girl and then let go of her the other day— what am I supposed to assume? He also told me that once he'd sleep with someone, he had no intentions of seeing them again.

But why?

That question always bugged me. Why wouldn't he give relationship a chance? Did something happen in his past? It was insane how we knew everything about the others yet so little about Sean. He'd always act like he was fine but was he really?

"Are you kissing me to distract me from that question I asked you earlier?" He questioned against my lips while my hands found their way to his soft hair as I slowly tugged on them.

"What question?" I played dumb. In a way, I kind of was but apparently it was not working— but I also wanted to taste those lips of his again.

"What do they want from you?" He repeated the question, now detaching his lips from mine before he started sucking on my bottom lip, tugging them with his teeth making my eyes shut close again. "Answer me or I'm gonna bite you."

My eyes widened at that and I glanced at me only to find him looking at me with amusement swirling in his eyes.

I shoved him away, he stumbled backwards but regained his footing, much to by dismay. It would've been a sight to see him on the ground. "You're an animal."

"Yeah," He nodded, "I can be pretty wild."

"And gross." I added, "you're very gross as well. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna pack my stuff because you said we are leaving in like two hours. I can't believe we didn't get to spend much time in the amusement park like seriously? There was so many things I wanted to do."

"We can do those things another time," he suggested, "we've got work to do in London."

"Seriously?" I groaned in annoyance before letting out a loud sigh, "fine, I guess you can tag along."

"So what's your plan after London?" Sean questioned, raising his brows, "you'll go to Spain?"

"No, I'll make Matteo come to London."

"Good," he muttered with a nod of his head which made me raise my own brows, "and why's that?"

"Because it would've been foolish of you to go to Spain. It's his territory so he's like—" he paused, finding the right words, "—at his strongest there."

"I see."

"I'm giving you two hours to tell me what they want with you and why," he spoke up, his voice serious, "on the plane, I want to hear it on the plane."

"This is stupid," I scoffed, rolling my eyes at the man in front of me.

"I don't care." He stated, "if you lie to me, I'll throw you overboard."

"I'll book a flight then."

"No you're not," he shot me a look as if daring me to argue with him, "it's not safe. You're coming with me."

"And throwing me overboard is safe?"

"I'll give you a parachute, sweetheart." He said before turning around and leaving.

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