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|Athena's POV|

All day, I did nothing but lie in bed and watch movies. I didn't feel like going anywhere or get up from the bed in that matter. Sean left to do I didn't know what around two hours ago.

I was on the second episode of the seventh season of Supernatural— which was one of my favourite shows and one of the best shows ever— when I heard a loud noise coming from downstairs.

My hand instantly went under my pillow to grab the gun I placed there earlier for safety measures before I got up from the bed and made my way slowly towards the door. Opening it, I walked out and headed towards the stairs cautiously, my eyes scanning around the place, looking for anything unusual or suspicious.

With my fingers wrapped tightly around my gun, I slowly approached the kitchen where I could hear some grunts coming from making me furrow my brows as I neared it, the sounds getting clearer as I did so.

As I reached the entrance, my eyes widened at the sight of Sean sitting on the counter with the first aid box opened beside him with his left arm covered in blood.

"What the hell happened to you?" His head snapped up upon hearing my voice before he went back to applying pressure on his wound, to prevent any more blood from oozing out, "didn't know the girl had a fucking gun."

What girl?

"You got shot and you came here?" I asked, refraining myself from rolling my eyes as I approached him to take a better look at his wound, "you should've gone to a hospital or something."

"No hospitals," he shook his head, "you can't risk going to hospitals when you're someone like me— didn't you know that? I thought you were the ever so sma—" he cut himself off when I pressed on the wound making him groan in pain, "fuck—"

"Stop talking," I muttered, "I'll fix you up."

"I can do that myself. I already removed the damn bullet," he grunted, leaning against the wall as he sat on the counter, clearly in pain. "I just need—"

He already did what now?

"— shit, no. I'm doing it."

"No—" again, I cut him off, "—Just shut up and let me do it for the love of—" this time, I stopped myself, taking a deep breath as I focused on his wound. "It's in the arm... so nothing serious, right?"

"You think?" He asked, his voice hoarse as I proceeded to deal with his wound. I've done those things before, I have received my fair share of gunshot wounds— they were never really serious and I deemed myself lucky for that for I had no one to fix them up for me. I had to do all those by myself and had I told Alessio about that... well, motherfucker would have never let me do dangerous stuff again.

When I was finally done, I bandaged his arm and let out a loud sigh of relief. "All done."

I heard only a hum in response making me look up at him only to find that he was half-asleep— or maybe unconscious. "You can't sleep here."

"No shit," he drawled out in a low voice to which I rolled my eyes. "I'm gonna give you some pain killers. Take them and then go rest."

"Just because I got shot doesn't mean you can boss—" he cut himself off with a groan as he tried to sit up straight, "—me around."

"All right then," I took a few steps backwards until my back hit the wall and I leaned against it, crossed my arms as I stared at him, waiting for him to ask for help— which I knew he was going to do.

He looked at me, frowning, "what are you staring at?"

"I've never seen you look so weak before so it's a sight."

"Ha ha." He laughed sarcastically only to end up coughing after as he got off the counter as he placed his right hand over the bandage around his left one, "where are the damn pain killers?"

"In my bag, upstairs," I replied making him roll his eyes as he looked at me, "well? Go get ‘em."

"I don't take orders from no one—" I paused, pushing myself off the wall, "I don't care if you're on the verge of dying. Ask nicely and I might consider it."

He took a deep breath, glaring at me before he finally asked, "could you go get the painkillers?"


"Excuse me?"

"Please," I repeated, fighting off a smile at the annoyed look on his face, "I didn't hear a please."

"Please," he gritted out, leaning against the very counter he was previously sitting on.

"You got it," I patted his shoulder on his uninjured arm before walking out of the kitchen. I went to grab the pain killers I'd always take with me before heading back downstairs in the kitchen where Sean was waiting.

After taking them, he went to his room, mumbling a 'thank you' as he walked away. 

What the hell did he go to do that resulted in him getting shot?

And more importantly,

Who was the bitch who shot him?

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