The New Girl

922 7 9

POV: Annabeth

Hi, I'm Annabeth Chase.

 I just started my first day at Goode High and here I am. Lying with my books on the floor after bumping into my toxic ex-boyfriend. Now you're probably wondering how I got myself into this situation. But first things first here's a little about myself.

I live with my stepmother and stepbrothers. My dad has a room in the house, but it's just gathering dust. He's never around.

My mom left when I was 9 and after that my dad just threw himself into work. He neglected me and I never even thought anything of it. I figured this is how all fathers must treat their children. Finally, I grew up a little and stopped worshipping him.

I think my dad loves me, but I just remind him too much of my mom. I'm a lot like her. She was an architect and that's what I want to be. We both have the same stormy grey eyes and curly blonde hair. I even got my know-it-all qualities from her. But in other ways I'm not like her at all. I always knew my mom's job was important to her. I just didn't think it was more important than me.

I admired her because she was determined. She was a hard worker. Little did I know that that would also be the reason she left.

My stepmother is... Well... She's fine. We get along fine. We don't really have a relationship, though. Because my dad is never around she has to pick up all the slack. She's not mean to me, she just forgets about me sometimes. When she married my dad I doubt she thought that she'd have to raise their kids by herself, but she still does it. 

At home I feel invisible. It's not much different at school. In San Francisco I had my friends, but they all moved to the East Coast.  

I'm starting Goode High today. My dad and Helen (my stepmother) decided to move to New York because my dad is usually stationed here, anyway. They figured that this way he would spend more time with us.

I, however, know that that isn't going to happen. My dad's work keeps him very occupied. I think that even if the whole family moved into his office he still wouldn't spend time with us.

I stopped thinking he would come back for the holidays or even my birthdays a long time ago.

I just stopped caring.

Or, I wanted to stop caring. Deep down it hurt that he didn't have time for me, but if you don't want to get hurt it's easier not to care. That's what I keep telling myself.


I take 10 bucks from the counter and started walking to school. 

I'm nervous about the academic portion of school it's the social aspect that makes me want to throw up.

As I near the school I realize it's not even open yet. My school back home opened early because it had a top notch library, opened to the faculty, students, and outsiders.

I guess this school does not have that. 

I don't even have my schedule, so I have no idea when school even starts.


I sit down in front of a big oak tree and read since it's only 7:00.

Don't judge. I like the library.

I usually get lost in the book I'm reading and lose track of time, but my nerves are getting the best of me.

I close my book and look at the school. 

I just can't help but notice how very normal it looks.

 To be honest, I don't know what I was expecting. It's just, when people tell you stories about New York you think about Broadway or sky scrapers. You think about something magical, really. But when I look around it just looks kind of murky. Nothing special. When you take a deep breath you just inhale smoke from cars and cigarettes. I'm sure there's a nice part of New York, but from where I'm standing, I prefer San Francisco.

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