Far Away Galaxy and the Data Hellscape We Escaped From

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[Surprisingly, the original date written for the last entry was also added here, but this time it remained untouched meaning it was important enough to record. The time stamp recorded is for the late evening, probably a curfew hour. There's a few scribbles of what looks like a laser sword, three polygonal gems of the same shape, an angry ghost, and a poorly drawn Hatsune Miku. Some water-like stains have peppered the page, making it slightly brittle to the touch.]


This was the worst Tuesday of my LIFE. So much shit went wrong that I genuinely don't want to get into it, but if I don't it will just fester in my head until I finally explode. I'd talk about this with Cal, but I don't want him to worry. He's already done enough to worry about me already, I'd feel worse burdening him with my thoughts... or would I feel worse lying to him about them? Either way, I just need some time to process this without someone else getting involved. The sooner I understand, the sooner I can probably go back to... Y'know, I don't think I actually have anything I can go back to. How sad.


I'll save the worst of it for another day, after having it hammered repeatedly into me today that THAT whole mess is now an example, I really don't want to think about it for too long. Plus, if I can avoid waking Mando, or summoning Cal or Ummi to my vicinity, with my emotional breakdowns that would be fantastic. None of it was my fault, but...


Anyway, no time for that.


So, the second half. After the first half of the day's fiasco, we were all summoned outside to get a rundown on a new and more pressing issue. I was half awake, so all I understood was that students were missing and it was now our problem? I'll admit I probably shouldn't have gone as is, mostly 'cause I was barely coherent. Honestly, I was more surprised Cal didn't tell me to stay behind, all things considered, but I guess it was a little too important to worry about things like that. I only went 'cause I thought they'd need an extra pilot, so... It's whatever.


There was a lot of technical jargon being thrown around, Miku was there... Yeah, no, I really should not have gone. Anyway. We all piled in to this cruiser... thing that Miku brought. I had to parallel park the Firestorm, it was a whole thing. Most of us hung out around the ship and chatted, then we had to deal with a Heartless or something... Honestly, the whole thing was a blur. We did get to see a world being... born? Created? Built??? It was very weird. Cal mentioned something about wishing it luck and I accidentally thought aloud about how dumb that sounded, but I didn't get in trouble or anything just a little "you never know" pep talk. I need a mute button, honestly...


So we were following some sort of power source signal to this world that got severely fucked up, and by that I mean it was sleeping but absolutely broken beyond all repair. We had to dive into the world itself to get anywhere, which I absolutely hated and will not be doing ever again if I can help it!!!


We all got to poke around a stagnant ship for a bit which was... neat? And we borrowed some costumes so we could blend in better. Kinda miss mine, loved the oversized cardigan... I also borrowed a gun 'cause my Keyblade and I were not getting along, which is another story for later, but the gun was total shit. Can't aim worth a damn with that thing, like it's cursed or something...


Anyway, a problem at the time was that we were in the middle of space, so- Oh, yeah, did I mention we were in a world filled with smaller worlds? Like a dead center of space type of thing? It was weird. But yeah we can't survive out there, so we were essentially marooned. So Cal, bless his manic little soul, decided to plea with the world to see if we could, I dunno, break the world's magic further? Promised to help it out and everything, which is nice and all but YEESH we all thought he was nuts. So... He decided to test if it worked by getting sucked out the airlock... Admittedly, it was funny then and still funny now, but in hindsight that was such a stupid idea. If you couldn't tell, it worked flawlessly. We were allowed to breathe in deep space! Bad news? We had to FREE FLOAT. IN DEEP SPACE. WHICH I LOATHE.

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