Just Knighted

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Lady Kayley could hear the faint cries and cheers of support as her and her new husband, Sir Garrett, rode away from the Kingdom of Camelot on horseback and towards the countryside, where they were planning on spending their honeymoon for a few days. The two of them had just been made official knights of the round table by none other than their loyal ally and the noble ruler of Camelot, King Arthur. A massive celebration had been held and people from all over the kingdom were invited into the castle to rejoice the fact that the villainous former knight Sir Ruber, had been defeated and the legendary sword of Excalibur was back in its stone where it belonged.


"I wish we could stay in this moment forever," Kayley had whispered into Garrett's ear as the two danced in the castle's great hall, grinning from ear-to-ear as she twirled in a graceful circle.

"Who says we can't?" Garrett replied while smiling himself, holding onto his wife's hands and throwing his head back in laughter as he enjoyed himself in the midst of the celebration.

"Oh Garrett, you know after our honeymoon is over, it's going to be all work and training." She scolded him with a smirk, as the music came to a end and the numerous people in the room clapped and bowed to one another, with the band thanking them and setting down their instruments.

"Well then, I guess we'll just have to make these next few days count." He answered back, his face growing warm as he began to allow thoughts of just what he wanted to do with his wife over the course of their honeymoon, creep into his mind.


It had taken roughly an hour or two until Kayley and Garrett had arrived at a small woodland cottage nestled deep in the middle of the forest, surrounded by tall trees and lovely lilac and rose flower beds on the home's front window sills. Garrett hopped off the horse, whom they had affectionately named Lancelot, before turning and extending his arms to help his wife jump down onto the ground.

"It's so beautiful, the oak wood siding of the house, sturdy terracotta roof the adorable windows shaped just like full moons — oh! I can't leave out the gorgeous flowers in front that simply ties it all together." She smiled with her hands contently clasped in front of her, as she described the home in front of her to her husband, who many knew had lost his sight due to a tragic accident at a young age.

"I'm sure it's lovely, Kayley. I can't wait to get inside, though." He whispered with a devious smirk, coming up behind her and gently shaking his arms around her waist, his chin resting on her shoulder as he nestled his lips against the side of her neck.

"Mm, patience, we have all the time in the world for that." She whispered back, chuckling lightly as she was unable to hide how special he made her feel when he held her close they way he always did.

"King Arthur did say we could extend our little vacation for as long as we wanted though, why not take advantage?" Garrett told her, stepping aside as the two walked forward and he opened the door after finding it with his walking stick.

"Oh, I suppose maybe because we're knights now, and we have responsibilities to our kingdom?" Kayley replied while she wagged her finger in his direction, entering the cottage alongside her husband and gently closing the front door behind the two of them.

"Alas, you're right as usual, my love." He chuckled while rubbing the back of his neck with his hand.

"I'm aware, but it never gets old hearing you say it." She teased, as she took his hand in hers and slowly led him through the home. Along the way, she described the cozy sitting area and kitchenette, the washroom the two of them would be sharing, and even the private backyard with a small pond situated among the little wildlife such as birds, squirrels, and chipmunks galore. Their final stop, was the sole bedroom of the house, decorated with little more than a large queen-sized bed with a crimson red duvet covering the mattress and silk sheets two windows covered with red velvet curtains, a tall oak wardrobe, and a writing desk. On either side of the wooden bed, there sat two small nightstands with unlit candles.

"I have a feeling we'll have a very good time here over the next few days." Garrett told her, as he removed his shoes and sat down in the edge of the bed.

"Is that so, Sir Garrett?" Kayley answered in a sultry voice, slipping off her own shoes as well and sitting down beside him.

"Indeed it is." He answered softly, moving his hand and lovingly placing it over hers, rubbing her wedding ring that she wore affectionately with his thumb. Years ago, he couldn't stand the thought of people and being around them, let alone entertaining the thought of a relationship. So much time later, and he truly couldn't imagine his life without Kayley, as she brought so much life, light, and joy into his once lonely and cold world. As he stared into her deep brown eyes, it was almost as if the former hermit could physically feel himself falling more and more in love with the spunky young woman who'd he'd married.

"Oh, by the way, where's Ayden?" Kayley asked with a curious facial expression, referring to her husband's loyal silver-winged falcon.

"Merlin's watching him back at the castle. I'm sure he'll have plenty of seeds and nuts to keep him fed while we're gone." Garrett explained with a hearty laugh.

A few hours had passed had the evening hours were settling in over the kingdom, the sun had gone down and the sounds of birds chirping outside were replaced with crickets, while the sunshine was swapped away with twinkling stars and fireflies dancing in the air. Kayley and Garrett had just finished dining on their supper, with both knights taking their turns with washing the dishes and placing them safely back in the cupboard.

"Garrett? I'm going to go for a wash." Kayley told her husband, smiling over at him as she spun on her heel and began heading for the bathroom, which consisted of a wooden bathing basin, a small glass bowl filled with water (a medieval bath and sink, if you will), and a tiny circular table carved out of stone where two towels had been folded and neatly placed.

"All alone, Lady Kayley?" Garrett asked while tucking some of his light brown shoulder-length hair behind his ears.

Laughing sheepishly, a light pink blush came to her face as she bit her bottom lip and watched as her husband slowly walked over to her and placed his hands firmly on her slender waist. She stared up at him, longing for for than just his lustful touch and genuine smile of affection. Reaching upwards ever so slightly, Kayley wrapped both arms around Garrett's neck and squealed as he lifted her into his arms with no effort at all.

"Ah! Garrett!" She yelped, feeling embarrassed partially because she was a bit shorter than the man in front of her.

"Come now, we wouldn't want the water to get cold." He whispered teasingly into her ear, sending vicious shivers of longing down her spine and setting off an immediate chain reaction of goosebumps all along her arms.


A Quest for Camelot 2: Knights of the Round TableWhere stories live. Discover now