New Life in Camelot

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"Haven't I told you already? There is no way in hell that I'm allowing those two to take care of our baby." Kayley snapped with irritation as she struggled to sit up in her and her husband's bed, with the latter slowly helping her sit up straight and placing a few pillows behind her back to support her and keep her comfortable. As she was now nine months pregnant, her due date was set for the following day, but the castle physician was sure to warn them that the birth could happen unexpectedly.

"Kayley, love, I completely understand why you might be hesitant to let Devon and Cornwall undertake such a responsibility. But they've proven themselves, and I wouldn't suggest them as babysitters unless I fully trusted them, you know that." Garrett explained in his usually soft and soothing voice, coming to the edge of the bed and sitting beside his wife, while beginning to gently massage her sore and swollen feet. It had become near impossible for his wife to accomplish even the most mundane of tasks these days, such as walking around, getting out of bed, or even taking a bath. So whenever she needed him to take care of something, even if she insisted she could do it just fine on her own, Garrett didn't hesitate to rush in to help her as efficiently as he could.

"Have they ever even handled children before? Are they parents, hmm?" Kayley pressed on defiantly, leaning back and closing her hazel eyes and humming a soft lullaby aloud, which usually triggered the energetic baby girl (💕) inside of her belly to happily kick and squirm. Garrett lifted his head upon relaxing why his wife was chuckling gently like she was, and rushed to sit closer to her, placing a hand on top of her stomach — just in time to feel a triumphant kick from their baby.

"Well no, not that they've ever told me, anyway. However it's not like they'd be taking care of her all alone, there would be midwives and nurses to assist them, just in case." He assured her with a sweet smile, kissing her cheek and then the other, and continuing back and forth until Kayley erupted into a further fit of laughter at how ticklish it made her.

"Ah! Love, Stop! You know how much that makes me —" Her words were swiftly interrupted by a faint smell of urine filling the air around them, and the couple laughed even more upon realized what had just happened as a result of Garrett's incessant tickling.

"I'm not sorry, I would do anything to keep that immeasurable smile on your face." He teased, then he slowly sat up and stood before he helped his wife to her feet as well. "I've got to go take care of some things in the training yard for a little while, but a couple of your handmaidens are waiting outside when I go to help you get ready for the day. Okay?"

"Okay, love. Thank you." Kayley cooed in return with a smile etched on her lips, holding both of her lover's hands in her own as he learned toward and placed a tender peck on the center of her forehead. After Garrett disappeared out of their private chambers, two young women dressed in simple long-sleeves tan dresses with long sleeves, with golden embroidery no the sleeves, waist, and hemline, one a younger woman of African-descent, and the other an older woman of European descent, smiled softly and hurried into the bedroom to assist Lady Kayley with her preparation for the day.

"Good morning, my Lady." The younger handmaiden called over with a pleasant expression on her face, immediately getting to work with gathering the slightly soaked bedsheets to be washed and taken care of. She bent down and placed them in a handwoven laundry basket, as the other maiden lead Kayley over to a privacy dressing screen, so she could help her carefully remove her nightclothes. After Kayley had been helped into her brassiere and undergarments, the older handmaiden assisted her with dressing in a long sunflower-hued dress with short puffy sleeves, with long silk white sleeves underneath that trailed to her wrists. On the front, a deep v/neck that was stitched together, and finally, she sighed heavily as she slipped her sore and swollen feet into a pair of black velvet flats, that eased the pain a little bit. (her and Garrett's outfits below:)

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