A New Discovery

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"Right in here, Sir Garrett."

King Arthur's most trusted and wise royal physician, was a tall man of ebony skin, dark eyes, and short black coiled hair that crowned the top of head. His clothing consisted of a long black robe that had a hood attached of the back of the neckline. His hand gestured towards a long cot, where Garrett hurriedly whisked his unconscious wife, Lady Kayley, over to, laying her down with the utmost gentleness and fragility that he could have managed.

"Please help her, doctor. I ... I don't know what I would do if I lost her." The knight exhaled deeply and ran a hand through his shoulder-length hair, his lips curled downward in a frown of distress and worry. Merlin, on the other hand, had began gathering a set of elixirs, herbs, and medicines on the bedside table while Aiden flew to Kayley's feet, anxiously chirping for her to wake up.

"Let's see here." The doctor made his way to Kayley's side, kneeling down beside her and placing the back of his palm on her forehead, searching for signs of a fever.
"Well, her body temperature is stable, and —" Pressing his forefinger against her wrist, he could feel a strong pulse that signaled she was still very much alive and breathing.

"Well?" Garrett interjected worriedly, as he'd begun nervously pacing the room and only stopped to demand an answer from the royal physician.

"Her vitals seem to be perfectly normal, Sir Garrett. Might I ask, have you any notion of your wife has been experiencing any troubling symptoms lately?" The physician answered in a calm manner, carefully standing back up onto his feet.

"Whatever do you mean?" Garrett pressed back, unable to understand.

"Nausea, unusual eating habits, fatigue, dizziness. Anything that would be out of her usual habits?" He clarified, just as Merlin joined the man's side and looked over at Garrett as well.

Garrett, who found the question quite bizarre and wasn't even sure what to make of it, sat down on a small wooden bench beside the bed and tried to think, before looking back to weds the obsidian and shaking his head.

"I suppose she has been feeling a tad sick since our return, and there was fainting in the courtyard. However, doctor, with all due respect, what exactly are you trying to tell me right now?" He demanded impatiently, placing one of his calloused hands over his wife's hand and caressing it with his thumb. She meant the entire world to him, and he wasn't sure what he would do with himself if anything were ever to happen to her.

Merlin and the doctor exchanged brief glances of uneasiness with one another, before the wizard stepped forward and closed his eyes. Next, he placed a hand on Lady Kayley's abdomen as he concentrated and then retracted his arm, confirming what he and the score had suspected.

"Sir Garrett, Lady Kayley is in good health, the symptoms that she's been experiencing, it's because she is with child, for about a month now by my estimate." The wizard spoke with a small smile, as Garrett practically shot up out of his seat with his mouth agape. "She is with child", the words echoed in his brain over and over agin and a flood of emotions came sweeping into his heart.

"Are — are you certain?" The night stuttered with disbelief, his heart beginning to beat faster while he stared down at his wife who still remained comfortable on the medical cot, asleep but still alive.

"I am more sure of this than anything else, congratulations. She should be waking up soon, so Merlin and I shall give you some space so you can deliver this joyous knees when she awakes." The doctor stated, also seeming to be positive about the news, before he and the wizard made their way out of the room and closed the door gently behind them.

It was less than an hour's time before Kayley's cocoa-hued eyes slowly fluttered open and she inhaled sharply, which roused Garrett from the brief slumber he had taken while waiting for her awakening. She squinted while she looked slowly around her and realized she was laying on what seemed to be a kind of makeshift bed. Then, Kayley recognized the room she was in as the Royal physician's chamber.

"Love, you're alright." Garrett cooed with a desperate relief in his voice, leaning forward and planting an affectionate kiss of yearning on her forehead,

"I - I feel alright, although I feel quite fatigued, like I hit my head or something.." She whispered back weakly, turning her head to stare up at her lover and take his hand firmly in hers. "What happened? The last I can remembered, we were in training and .. and I must've fallen.."

"You did, and I feared something terrible had happened to you. Merlin and I brought you here, and the doctor told us you were fine. There is something of the essence I must tell you though." Garrett explained, not sure how his wife would take the news he was about to give her.

Kayley tiled her head with a sense of utter confusion, as she tried to rack her brain and think of what her husband could possibly be talking about. "What's happening?" She asked him with a slight tremble in her usually confident voice.

"Well, the doctor and Merlin examined your physical state and they told me, you are pregnant, Kayley. You've been carrying our child for about a few fortnights now." He told her, anticipating his wife's reaction while he held her hand in both his own.

Silence. It was all that filled the room for nearly s minute as Kayley's eyes widened and she sat up slightly, not too fast so she wouldn't dizzy herself or feel nauseated. Finally, she found the courage to speak once again, tears welling in her eyes as a proud smile spread across her lips and she met her husband's equally joyful stare.

"We .. we're going to be parents?" She asked happily, pulling Garrett in for a warm and loving embrace which he immediately melted into.

"Yes, my love. We will."


(Author's note: Hello everyone! My name is Lauren, and I'm the author of this fanfic! Thank you so much to everyone who has read, checked out, or shared my story so far! Also, apologies for the slow updates and I promise I have not forgotten about this sorry or any of you! As few of you may know, I'm a junior in college, and I'm just wrapping up finals and starting my winter break. Please leave any comments, questions, or suggestions, and I love you all! Stay safe, and happy holidays!)

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