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Two days passed and before they knew it, the time and come for Kayley and Garrett to pack up their things from the honeymoon cottage and return to King Arthur's castle to resume their knight duties. That very morning, the sun peaked its way through the curtains of the bedroom windows, shining almost directly onto Kayley's face as she stirred in her slumber and turned over on her side. Garrett was still fast asleep as well, as he too had also been more than tuckered out after him and his wife's eventful and passionate honeymoon.

When Kayley did eventually wake herself up, she slowly squinted as her eyes opened, her cocoa-brown irises capturing the daylight that filled the room and reflected off the walls. She let out a gentle yawn, sitting up and stretching while the memories of her and her husband's few days of alone time came flooding back into her mind.

"Mm.. what time is it..?" She mumbled in a groggy voice, turning to face Garrett who she chuckled lightly at, seeing him snoring with his shoulder-length hair covering part of his face. Shaking her head, she climbed carefully onto his lap as to not disturb him, before placing her hands on his bare chest and watching him for a moment or two.

"Well, good morning to you too.." Garrett whispered, smirking as he opened his eyes and immediately lifted his arms in order to wrap them around Kayley's torso.

"Good morning, my love. Are you looking forward to heading back to the castle today?" She asked him gently, smiling a little when she felt him reach up gently with one of his hands and running his fingers affectionately through her hair that ran down to her mid-back.

"I certainly do wish this time with you could last for an eternity, but alas, as noble knights of Camelot I suppose our work is never truly over, now is it?" He replied while chuckling a bit.

"I'm afraid you're right about that. Now, come on, we better get dressed quickly if we're going to meet my mother and Arthur at the gates later on." Kayley told him, giving himself quick and confident peck on the lips before sliding off of his lap and sauntering her way over to the wardrobe.

She dressed herself in a long marigold-yellow under-gown with sleeves that ended at her wrists, covering that was an equally long fern-green dress with straps that were pinned to the shoulders of her under-gown with twin golden brooches. Then, Kayley put a tan buckled belt, and partly she tied her hair up in it's signature ponytail before slipping on tree bark-brown welzheim shoes.

"You look lovely, Lady Kayley." Garrett teased while smiling at his wife from where he was, still sitting in their bed.

"Oh stop it, you say that now matter what it is I'm wearing." She replied, chuckling and then softly shaking her head as well.

"Only because it's as true as the day is long, my love." He told her, getting up and dressing himself as well, which started with a dark navy-blue tunic with long sleeves, trousers, long black leggings, and ankle-high boots made of rawhide. Once he was satisfied with the way he was dressed, he cleared his throat at which point Kayley spun around and smiled as she bounded over to her husband and eagerly wrapped both arms around his neck.

"You clean up nice." She lovingly whispered to him.

"Hey, for someone who can't see what they're wearing, I try my best." He told her, shrugging his shoulders and pulling her body closer to his while wrapping his arms tenderly around her slender waistline.

"Hm. Anyhow, we ought to start the journey back to the castle. If we leave now, we should make it before lunch is over." Kayley pointed out, slipping out from his grip and and playfully sliding away so she could beginning packing the knapsack they'd brought to put their belongings in.

"Right you are." Garrett agreed with her, as he began slowly venturing through their house and ensuring they had everything before they left the cottage.

As soon as all of the two knights' things had been packed, they made their way out of the small cottage to where Lance was waiting patiently, with the horse having been contently munching on a bale of hay that had been left out for him.

"Good morning, Lance!" Kayley told him with a sweet smile, mounting the steed and then offering her hand to her husband in order to hoist him up as well. The animal calmly whinnied with relaxation as he felt her take hold once the reigns, gently pulling on them. With this, Lance was signaled to turn around and begin the journey back to Camelot.

"Kayley..?" Garrett asked playfully as they began riding off down the long dirt path they would lead them through the vast countryside of the kingdom.

"Yes, dear?" She replied, sounding uneasy.

"I can't even see your face, and I can always tell when something is wrong with you. This feeling always comes into the air when you're upset or uncomfortable." He pressed on, sounding worried as he held onto his wife just a little bit tighter.

"It - it's nothing, really. I'm perfectly fine, Garrett." She answered, trying her best to brush off his concern.

"Did we not agree to be completely honest with one another on our wedding day?' He reminded her, raising an eyebrow.

Sighing heavily, Kayley knew that her husband not only had a valid point, but that he was right. She was bothered by something, and the only way that she would be able to feel some kind of relief, would be to get it off of her chest and admit the truth to him.

"Ah, fine, you've caught me in a lie. The truth is, I've been worried about Camelot ever since we left the castle a few days ago." She admitted, sucking her teeth audibly while she adjusted the horse's reigns.

" — and why would that be? We have some of the strongest and loyalist guards for miles, and Arthur is one of the most capable rulers I've ever met in my lifetime." Garrett explained, hoping to be able to ease her fears.

"It's not that, I believe in our friends more than anything. I mean, honestly, who would say to mess with the castle being guarded by a two-headed fire breathing dragon?" She replied with a small laugh, referring to their loyal friends Devon and Cornwall, whom they'd met in Dragon Country on their quest to retrieve Excalibur and return it to the stone, which they'd successfully done not all that long ago.

"Very true." Garrett answered, nodding his head in agreement.

"Ever since we defeated Ruber, I still fear for the kingdom that another power-hungry psychopath would attempt to storm the gates and try to steal the sword. I can't afford to lose anyone else." Kayley told him, remembering her father, Sir Lionel, who'd been killed years prior by Ruber when she was a mere child. She'd never get the haunting image out of her head that fateful winter's evening when her and her mother, Lady Julianna, saw the King's knights returning home from battle on their steeds. She remembered desperately jumping up and trying to catch a glimpse at the faces of the knight's and trying to pick out her father's, only to realize he was the fallen soldier being brought home in a coffin.

"With you and I as Knights of the Round Table nowadays, anyone who tries to mess with Camelot again will have to try much harder." Garrett reassured her, kissing the back of her neck gently, which made her smile and gave her a little confidence boost.

"You're right, this kingdom's never had knights like us before." She told him proudly, taking a stronger hold of the reigns and using them to signal Lance to pick up the pace. In response, the horse whinnied loudly in understanding, then beginning to gallop faster with the kingdom barely in sight.


A Quest for Camelot 2: Knights of the Round TableWhere stories live. Discover now