Training Day

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Upon the tangerine-orange hued sun rising over the vast kingdom the following dawn, many throughout the land still slept in their homes or had not yet ventured outside of their thatched cottages and relatively small farmhouses to begin their day and start their jobs, or for the children, their school lessons. After all, there were chickens who'd hatched their daily dozen of eggs, that needed to be
collected, cows to be milked in order to make cheese and cream, to be sold in the market. Almost as soon as the sun was high enough above the horizon to cast daylight as far as the eye could see, Lady Kayley was wide awake and shimmying out of her and her husband's bed as quietly as one could.

It had been about a month since Kayley and Garrett's honeymoon, and judging by the way the light was in the sky, she could tell it was about four hours prior to midday, so the castle grounds would be commencing it's daily training session with the soldiers and squires. She usually participated along with everyone else, and even lead a lot of the time too. She slipped into the proper Camelot knight's uniform and armor, tying her hair up in a braided bun before she grabbed her sword and shield. However, just before she could make her way out of the bedroom undetected, she gasped lightly to the sound of Sir Garrett rolling over in his sleep, grumbling before his eyes opened and he smirked over at her.

"Trying to leave me so soon, my dear Kayley?" He questioned.

"I didn't want to wake you, love. Besides, we have training this morn, and Arthur wouldn't appreciate his most loyal knights sleeping in so late." She teased back.

"We just came back from our honeymoon, shouldn't he have to take pity on us and give us some rest?" Garrett stated in a sarcastic manner.

"I'm afraid we don't get that privilege, no matter how much the King might like us. Don't forget, you promised young Avalon you'd help him out with his technique today." She reminded, speaking of the young fresh-faced castle guard who was still a boy essentially, and was eager to learn and absorb as much as he could from Garrett.

"Alas, you make a valid argument, dear. Alright, alright, I'm coming." He sighed while waving her off in a dismissive but joking way, watching her bound off down the hall before changing into his own uniform and armor. Upon stepping out of the bedroom chambers, he linked arms with his wife and the two jointly escorted themselves to the ground floor of the castle, before emerging outside at the training grounds.

"Good morning, Sir Garrett!" Avalon cried out eagerly, waving his slender arm high in the air the moment he saw the two of them approaching where he was cleaning and polishing his staff and barrel top. Since he was still training like many others, he wouldn't get a real swore and shield until he had proven himself skilled enough to use such weapons. "Oh, and hello Lady Kayley!"

Kayley smiled with appreciation, briefly placing a hand on the boy's shoulder.

"Good morning, squire. Tell me, are you ready to test yourself today?" She challenged while looking over at her husband, who had stepped away in order to stretch and warm himself up for the physical activity that lies ahead.

"Always, miss. It's truly an honor to serve such a noble king, and to be allied with such brave knights. Maybe Jen day I'll be one as well —!" Avalon answered, blushing with embarrassment when he he began to lean on his staff, but it wobbled under his arm weight and fell — causing him to topple too.

She gasped and quickly got to her knees, assisting the boy with getting back up to his feet. After he'd dusted himself off, Garrett came over to the two and looked between them with a hint of concern

"Are you guys alright?" He asked them, taking Kayley's hand.

"Yes, yes, we're alright. Our squire here had a small tumble, but he's alright, yes?" Kayley stated, motioning over towards the boy.

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