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  Like Donghyuck said, we reached his friends house first. I wasn't familiar with the boy who's house I drove to or the boy who was with him, but they seemed pretty nice. The first boy was named Sungchan. He was a year younger than us, but his height made him seem older than us, while his friend was apparently the same age as Donghyuck and I. His friend was actually from overseas, Donghyuck told me. His name was Shotaro, he seemed more on the shy side, and kept close to Sungchan when they stood there, introducing themselves.

I waited for them to climb into the backseat,leaving the seat in the middle empty as they sat on one side each. I just knew that if Renjun was riding with me in the back, I would make up every excuse just to sit next to him. I smiled to myself at the thought, and the image of Renjun's annoyed expression when I would continue to bother him. "Jaemin? Are you gonna start driving?" I cleared my throat, earasing those thoughts from my mind. "Right." 

Donghyuck once again put an unknown address into the gps, and all I did was follow it'd direction's doubting that my friend had the correct adress. "I told you this was it, didn't I? You should be grateful, not many people know these restaurants." Donghyuck boasted, unbuckling his seatbelt in the process. I rolled my eyes, fully parking the car and unbuckling my own seatbelt, following Donghyuck in the direction of the restaurant.

Sungchan, Shotaro and I got along fine, along with Donghyuck of course. "How did you guys become friends, by the way?" I asked, after we ordered and were currently waiting for our food to arrive. "I was playing a game with Sungchan online, and we became friends. And I just instantly got along with Shotaro, because I can read minds, so I found his interests before I spoke to him." Donghyuck said proudly, sipping on his water. "Somehow I doubt that." Sungchan said, hand on his chin like he was thinking.

"You know me, I did that when we first met, too." Donghyuck pointed at me with an innocent face. "Okay, okay." I shook my head, deciding to drop the topic. "Do you have any plans for this summer?" I asked, unaware of who I was asking. "I'm visiting my family in Japan during summer." Shotaro stated. That was one of the first things I'd heard him say all day. "Hmm.. I'm a pretty busy person, so I'll probably only be able to make time for..gaming, sleeping and eating." Donghyuck checked them off on his fingers one by one. 

I rolled my eyes, while my friend continued to entertain everyone. 


The sound notified me that I had a message. It was from Renjun. 

I didn't and just finished btw :) are you free? Guilt washed over me. Renjun was free and I was here at a restaurant in the middle of nowhere, waiting for a meal that Donghyuck was going to pay for. "Are you okay? You look like you've just seen a ghost." Sungchan joked. I tried to laugh it off, lightly, but my mind was already occupied. I only had space for Renjun in my brain, and everywhere else.

"Here's your bossam. We're doing a special thing today, every group of customers of four and above can get two free bingsu's if they sign our petition." Our waiter emerged with plates full of food. The four of us looked at eachother, unsure of what to do. "What's the petition for?" Sungchan asked. "It's for same sex marriages to be legalized." Our waiter said. 

We all glanced at eachother and shrugged. "We'll sign it." Donghyuck said. 

We spent the rest of our time laughing and talking, while there was a constant reminder in the back of my head that Renjun was off of work already. As soon as we finished our dessert, I told everyone that something came up, and I had to rush home, so here we were drving Sungchan and Shotaro back to Sungchan's house. "Thanks for driving us, hyung." Sungchan thanked me when his house pulled into view. "No problem, you guys are nice." I added, unsure of how to receive compliments. 

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