Chapter 3

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Caden and his crew went to the sun-lit docks as the large clock nearby chimed eight times.

"Thank you for joining me on this journey, Charles," Caden told his brother as he and his friends, Benedict Johnson and Jasper Mondel, boarded the Star Sailor, the ship they were to sail.

"So what exactly is the plan, and how will we find the dreaded Captain Moncilia?" Jasper asked.

"We will figure out where Captain Moncilia took poor Robert and sail to that very spot to set things right. I do not know how long this trip will last, but no matter how long it may be, it will be worth it to save our friend, and hopefully, we will live to tell the tale."

"I can not wait to find that villain and defeat him once and for all," Benedict said enthusiastically after Caden explained the plan, stroking the gun he had stored in his belt.

"Not unless one of us defeats him first," Jasper joked as he held tightly to the collar of his hooded cloak.

"Our adventure begins now!" Caden proclaimed, a wide smile coming to his face as he and his brother raised their anchor and sailed away from the deck into the rising sun.


After being turned down by several people who refused to assist her in any way with her upcoming quest, Meg went to Annie's house to let her know she would leave very soon.

"Hello, Meg; how are you this morning?" Annie asked Meg cheerfully after opening the door.

"I have been better. No one has agreed to help or join me, so I have decided that I will leave on the Night Wind by myself and simply hope for the best," Meg said, trying not to sound disappointed.

"Well, with the task at hand, you will certainly need additional help. May I come along with you?"

"You would be willing to go with me? I thought you weren't too keen on swords and sailing."

"You are my cousin, and even though adventures like this are not my cup of tea, I can not let you go through who knows what out on the open sea by yourself."

"Thank you, Annie. Meet me down at the docks at one o'clock, and then we will sail off," Meg replied gratefully as she gave her cousin some books she thought would be helpful to read.

"Thank you! I can not wait to get started!"


Annie quickly packed and studied for the trip. Ten minutes before one o'clock, she left her home to return to the docks, where she found that Meg was already there on the Night Wind, with a new appearance that shocked Annie.

"What have you done with your skirt!" Annie exclaimed. Rather than wearing a traditional long dress that came down to the ground, Meg wore a white shirt and a dark blue skirt that she had shortened to end at her knees.

"This was an old outfit, and I believed it would be easier to move around in without the petticoats or former length," Meg explained regarding her outfit, not caring about her cousin's shocked expression.

"Shall we be off?" Annie asked once the last of their supplies were loaded.

"Yes; off we go to seek adventure and justice, and forget about our troubles on land!" Meg proclaimed excitedly.

"And find Caden?" Annie added, confused by Meg's motivation.

"And find Caden too," Meg responded.

The two cousins raised the anchor together, and the Night Wind slowly began sailing away into the mid-morning sun.

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