Chapter 15

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The day of Mr. Carter's visit (and desired wedding) came, but Meg was not afraid. Since returning to land, she and Jasper had spent plenty of time together and the day before Mr. Carter returned to Meg's mother's home, Jasper proposed to Meg, and she happily accepted.

On that Sunday, Mr. Carter knocked on the door, ready to take Meg to the church and make her his fourth wife. However, much to his surprise, Jasper opened the door.

"Hello, Sir. Who are you, and where is my wife-to-be?" Mr. Carter asked, trying to keep his composure.

"My name is Jasper Mondel, and your wife-to-be is not here. However, may I introduce you to mine?" Jasper replied.

"That would be lovely; you seem like a man of taste, so the lady you have chosen must be of high class."

At that moment, Meg descended the staircase in an expensive and elegant scarlet and gold gown with matching jewelry that had belonged to her mother. A confident grin came across her face as she saw Mr. Carter's look of shock.

"What in the world?" Mr. Carter asked, mouth gaping.

"Mr. Carter, this is Megara Catalani, the daughter of Rosella Catalani and Captain Moncilia. She has accepted my hand in marriage and we will marry soon," Jasper explained proudly as he took Meg's hand.

"Wait, did you say that this woman was the daughter of a pirate?" Mr. Carter asked, horrified, sweat beginning to drip down his brow.

"Yes, he did. My father was one of the greatest pirates to ever sail the seven seas and I have recently inherited some of his riches," Meg responded.

"I almost took a pirate's daughter as my wife?"

"Yes, and I think it would be best for everyone if you left right now," Meg said as she took her father's sword from an urn next to the doorway and pointed it at her undesired suitor.

"That is fine by me; good day to you both!" Mr. Carter exclaimed as he ran back to his carriage.

"I hope that you were not actually going to hurt him with that sword," Jasper said as sternly as he could to his future wife after closing the door.

"Oh, I certainly was not. But will you still allow me to use it for non-murderous purposes after the wedding?" Meg responded.

"Absolutely, my darling."

"Now, shall we go down to the docks to meet Annie and Caden and begin our next adventure?"

"We shall, after one more thing," Jasper said before pulling Meg in for a tender kiss.

"Now that was also what I needed," Meg replied happily before she and Jasper returned to the dock for their first of many adventures together with Annie and Caden.

The End

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