Chapter 10

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"Good morning, captives, both old and new. Today, you shall either continue or begin your pirate training, depending on who you are," Aslan greeted as he opened the door to where the captives were sleeping.

"But I am still sleepy," Charles complained as he pulled his blanket over his head.

"May we sleep for a few more minutes?" Benedict, who was in the same bed as Charles, asked groggily.

"Perhaps you shouldn't have stayed up past your bedtime last night! Now get out of bed, you lazy picaroons!" Aslan demanded as he yanked the thin blanket off of Charles and Benedict. No matter how tired they were, the captives immediately rose to their feet, left the room, and went to the deck.

"As for you, Lass, make us some breakfast!" Chris yelled as he pushed Annie into the kitchen, for they had made her the new cook on the Air Mando.

"And start cleaning the deck, Young Lady!" Timothy commanded Meg as he gave her a scrub brush and a bucket full of water.

"Good morning, everyone. Did you sleep well?" Captain Moncilia asked politely once the men were in a line, Annie was in the kitchen, and Meg was scrubbing the floor near the wheel.

"I would sleep much better if I were not a prisoner on your ship, you villain," Jasper muttered to himself.

"I heard that, young man," Captain Moncilia said.

"I challenge you to a duel, then," Jasper declared.

"Maybe we should have told him that might not be the best idea," Charles whispered to his brother.

"You can say that again," Caden replied.

Jasper grabbed a sword and ran to the pirate captain, ready for a fight. Unlike his crewmates, Jasper's duel with the captain did not end before it could begin.

"I guess this fight will last a little longer than other duels I have fought in over the last couple of days," Captain Moncilia remarked, intrigued by the challenge.

The battle continued for the two of them. Unfortunately for Jasper and his friends, Captain Moncilia soon cornered him near the wall where Meg was scrubbing the floor, making Jasper realize exactly what he should do next.

"Meg! Take over for me!" Jasper yelled as he tossed his sword to her, confident with her abilities with the weapon.

Meg immediately abandoned scrubbing duty and caught the weapon, feeling as scared as she was excited.

"In all of my years of being Captain of the Air Mando, I can tell you that this has never happened before," Captain Moncilia explained after learning that he would be fighting a woman.

"Well, this is 1786. Many things change over time," Meg replied as she held out her weapon, ready to duel.

"Are you sure about this?" Benedict whispered to Jasper as Meg started to duel the captain.

"It will be fine. Meg can handle this," Jasper answered, a grin coming across his face.

Meg and Captain Moncilia moved all around the ship's upper deck, their blades clashing every other second. In addition to being the most infamous pirate in the last twenty years, Captain Moncilia was one of the greatest swordsmen to ever sail the seven seas. Still, Meg did her best not to think of that during her battle with the captain.

However, Captain Moncilia soon backed Meg up against the mast of the Air Mando, giving her nowhere else to go.

Meg looked into Captain Moncilia's sea-blue eyes as she held her weapon tighter than usual. Captain Moncilia appeared to have lost his focus before loosening his grip on his sword so much that Meg was able to knock it out of his hand.

"What in the world?" Chris questioned in disbelief after Captain Moncilia's sword clattered against the deck.

"This has never happened before!" Timothy added, as shocked as Chris was.

"This is inconceivable!" Aslan cried out.

"Excuse me for a moment," Captain Moncilia told everyone before rushing to his cabin on the ship.

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