Chapter 11

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As Captain Moncilia closed and locked his cabin door, the remaining pirates looked at Meg, still flabbergasted due to her win against the captain.

"Who are you, Young Lady, and who taught you how to sword fight?" Chris questioned, intrigued by the winner of the recent duel.

"My name is Meg Catalani and I was primarily taught how to use a sword by my uncle Alan Turner and a little by Jasper Mondel," Meg explained calmly.

Joseph's eyes widened after hearing Meg's answer.

"And were either of these men associated with witchcraft?" The Terrible asked.

"No! What makes you think that?"

"Listen, no one, and I mean NO ONE, has ever defeated Captain Moncilia in all his years as Captain on the Air Mando. Witchcraft must be involved in this," The Terrible accused Meg as he began to corner her again.

"There was no witchcraft involved! The only reason I won was that Captain Moncilia loosened his grip on his sword."

"Captain Moncilia would never do such a thing on his own! You must be a siren and have the ability to make men do what you desire!"

"Believe me; if I were a siren, I would not be in this situation right now," Meg said, annoyed by the pirates' behavior towards her.

"Well, you ought to walk the plank so we're free of whatever tricks you have up your sleeve, Siren!" The Terrible declared. He threw a handful of ashes onto Meg's face and knocked her sword out of her hand before Timothy grabbed her arms tightly behind her back so she couldn't escape.

"Hold on one moment! Don't you remember that we aren't allowed to make anyone walk the plank without the Captain's permission?" Aslan interjected.

"Unfortunately, you are right," The Terrible replied, feeling annoyed.

Aslan knocked on Captain Moncilia's cabin door as Joseph tried to wipe some of the ashes off Meg's face. The pirate captain emerged from his cabin, looking more composed than he had a few minutes before.

"Young man, your first task is to get up to the crow's nest and be able to hoist the sails," Captain Moncilia explained to Jasper. "As for the rest of you, today, you will learn how to load and shoot the cannons."

"What should we do with the girl?" Timothy asked, still holding Meg's right arm tightly while Chris held her left.

"Put her below deck where she can continue cleaning the ship," Captain Moncilia responded, trying to avoid looking at the woman who defeated him in combat.


"When I first left Plymouth a few days ago, I knew I would likely board the Air Mando. But I did not expect to be treated like a scullery maid and forced to clean the ship," an annoyed Meg told Annie as she scrubbed the grime off the kitchen floor. Meanwhile, Annie was working on a pot of soup on the stove.

"At least we are not walking the plank or near death's door," Annie pointed out.

"And those are the worst things that can happen right now! Anything else that this is better than?" Meg asked.

Annie thought for a moment before saying, "Not that I can think of right now."

"Exactly my point." Meg scrubbed the floor until the color was closer to brown than black before she asked Annie what she was cooking to distract her from the chores.

"I decided to take some of the meat and vegetables I found and make a nice soup."

Meg stood up from the dirty floor to get a better look at the meal.

"It smells delicious. But I think it could use a little more spice and heat." Meg said with a wink as she grabbed some spicy pepper from one of the shelves.

"Sometimes, I forget that you are older than me. Besides, we will be eating the soup as well," Annie replied sternly as she took the pepper out of Meg's hand.

Meg giggled.

"But listen, I have an idea on how we can escape," Annie whispered. Before she could explain her plan, however, The Terrible strolled into the kitchen.

"Less talking and giggling, and more focus on your chores! You, scrubbing girl, you're coming with me so you can wash and mend the laundry!" The Terrible yelled as he grabbed Meg by her forearm and started to drag her out of the room.

"Well, I guess we will have to wait for tonight to chat!" Annie said to Meg, trying to give her cousin more comfort before The Terrible closed the door once again.

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