Chapter 8

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While Jasper was looking for his former crewmates, Meg and Annie searched Annaton Island to see what food would be good to have on the open sea.

"When I was about fifteen, my parents took me out for a little trip on the sea," a voice said.

"Oh, no! It must be one of Captain Moncilia's crew members! We need to hide!" Meg whispered to Annie after hearing the unfamiliar voice. Luckily, there was a bush and coconut tree nearby, so Annie hid behind the bush while Meg climbed the tree to hide next to the leaves.

"Unfortunately, an unexpected storm came along, which resulted in my parents' deaths," the voice continued as Meg saw its owner and who he was talking to.

"It's Caden! And he is being held captive!" Meg thought, knowing that she would need to figure out a way to save Caden now that they were nearby. She looked around and realized she could knock out his abductor with a coconut if she were precise enough.

"I thought I would also die at sea on that voyage. Luckily for me, however, Captain Moncilia and his crew came to the wreckage of the ship-" Timothy began before a coconut hit his head, causing him to fall to the ground unconscious.

"Please continue, Sir. I was rather enjoying the story," Caden said, unaware of what was really happening.

"I am sorry about that, Caden. I thought he had kidnapped you, so I knocked him out with that coconut to rescue you," Meg explained as she climbed down the tree.

"Oh, he did; I was just- Meg! What are you doing here, and is Annie doing all right?" Caden asked as he noticed Meg.

"It is kind of a long story. After you left my mother's house, I decided that I would go out to the sea to make sure you stayed safe. Annie and I then sailed out to the sea, where we eventually came into contact with your crewmate, Jasper. When the storm happened, we went to this island to stay safe until it ended, completely unaware that it was also where you, the pirates, and the rest of your friends ended up. Once we realized this, the three of us split up. Annie and I have been looking for more supplies we could use on the journey while Jasper has been trying to find more members of your crew. As for Annie, she is still safe with me," Meg explained as she untied the rope around Caden's waist.

"Timothy? Where are you?" Captain Moncilia asked from a distance, not seeing either Caden or Meg.

"It's Captain Moncilia! Quick, hide!" Caden whispered to Meg. The two hid behind the bush Annie was already hiding behind to hear what was happening.

Meg looked at the two men from her hiding spot. One was a dark-haired man who looked like he was in his forties. He wore a mostly clean white shirt, a green vest, black trousers, and elegant matching boots, helping her realize this was Captain Moncilia. The other looked a couple of years younger than him; he had short brown hair and was wearing a yellowing shirt, dusty pants, and shoes that looked like they had been through a lot.

"Both seem old enough to be a sailor since I was born. Could one of them be the person I am seeking?" Meg thought.

"Looking at this scene, I believe the prisoner knocked Timothy out with a coconut before running away," Joseph assumed.

"Then, bring Timothy back to the Air Mando. As for the captive-" Captain Moncilia commanded.

"You know what? We all want to get back out on the ocean, and that guy wasn't that great of a pirate anyway. He was able to knock Timothy out, meaning he's stronger than we think, so he'll most likely be able to survive on this island on his own for a while. Besides, we have a new captive on board," Joseph interrupted.

"Well, if you insist," Captain Moncilia replied with mild hesitation in his voice. The two men then returned to the Air Mando, bringing the unconscious Timothy with them.

"The good news is that you are safe. The bad news is that it seems that Jasper is now a captive on the Air Mando," Meg said to Caden as the two men walked away.

"And it looks as though they are about to sail off," Annie added.

"Well, let us get to the Night Wind and follow them!" Meg decided.

The three ran to their boat and immediately set sail to follow Captain Moncilia's ship.

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