Chapter 4

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"Good morning, Meg," Annie said as she entered from the ship's hold as the sun rose high in the sky, making her blonde hair appear lighter than usual.

"Are you feeling better now that we have been out on the sea for a little longer?" Meg asked after closing her journal she was writing in.

"I am now and have been thinking about what we should do for breakfast. How about some oranges and bread?" Annie suggested.

"That sounds delicious," a male voice from behind replied. The two cousins turned around to see a man whose face was covered by the hood on his black cloak standing beside the ship's railing.

"Intruder on the ship! Annie, get to safety; I will take care of him!" Meg told Annie sternly. Annie ran to the hold as Meg pulled her sword out of her scabbard and placed herself in a proper fencing position.

"Oh, my. Seems like we have a fighter here," the intruder stated, surprised by Meg's quick instinct.

"Listen, Sir. I am Meg Catalani, and I do not want to harm you. But my cousin Annie and I are trying to find Caden Glicker and his friends, and if you try to hurt either of us, then I will have no choice," Meg said defensively, slowly walking up to her opponent.

"Well, it seems as though I know both you and the people you are looking for," the stranger responded as he removed his hood to better show his face. He had short, wavy auburn hair, light gray eyes, and a short beard covering his narrow cheeks and chin.

"Pardon me?" Meg questioned while not letting her sword down.

"I know it has been a while since we have seen each other, Meg, but it is me, Jasper."

Meg slowly lowered her sword as she examined Jasper's face closer, her memories from years ago returning.

"Oh, I apologize, Jasper. In my defense, however, we have not seen each other for three years, when you started to sail the world so often. Also, the last time I saw you, you did not have that beard," Meg replied as she put her sword back in her scabbard again.

"But enough about me; I should explain what happened to Caden."

"Yes, of course."

"Well, Caden, the rest of our crew, and I were sailing just fine yesterday when Captain Moncilia and his crew, the very people we were searching for, attacked our ship. Caden told me to find help, and that was the last thing that happened before I left the Star Sailor. However, knowing what I have heard about Captain Moncilia, my friends are most likely now his prisoners."

Meg walked to the door leading to the boat's hold. "You do not have to worry, Annie. The intruder is an old friend and was sailing with Caden. He escaped while Captain Moncilia attacked their ship yesterday."

"If you say so," Annie said as she unlocked the door and joined the group.

Jasper explained his situation to Annie.

"Oh, my goodness. How long have you been looking for help in that little boat?" Annie asked, fascinated by Jasper's tale.

"I left the Star Sailor as the sun was beginning to set yesterday. I then rowed for the entire night and finally came across your ship a few minutes ago. But what time is it?" Jasper calculated.

"Luckily, my uncle taught Meg and me how to use a sundial when we were younger," Annie said while Meg went down below deck to find the sundial they had packed. After a few adjustments to the tool, the girls estimated it was almost seven o'clock in the morning.

"Where do we go next?" Annie asked while she gave Jasper a flask filled with fresh water.

"I believe that I came from the northeast, so that shall be the direction we will take," Jasper explained.

"Let's go!" Meg declared as she took hold of the wheel and began to sail northeast into a mild breeze.

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