Another friendly message.

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Right so remeber that one time you finished your art work and you were really proud of it and you finally get to post something.

But then you see others art work online and it is really beautiful and amazing and your like wow, great stuff, but then later on you look at your art compare and you suddenly don't like your art, and you feel bad and you start to think 'Is it really worth it?' or  'Am I really good enough?'

I am gonna tell you one thing.
Art is HARD. And I think it isn't fair that someone who really puts alot of effort into something and someone expects it to be better.

Like a remember me like one, two years ago when I just started wattpad. I saw some great go jetter stories but what really caught my eye was the art that was distributed.

It just filled me with awe and fascination and I just felt like, I have to try doing that. So that is when I started, I made some simple art work, and it had almost no colour to it. But to me,, it was everything. I just filled me with joy to find something else to do during lock down.

So, I did more and more and more, at one point I just couldn't stop. I was so intrigued to do something. Especially when I finished it.

But soon my prospective of everything's changed, and looking at other art work made me feel bad about me own and I started to think alot, so, do people really like my art work, or do they just say something nice to hide the hate the have for my work?

I know a few out there that actually really supported me during this stage, not gonna point out any names though.

Even with support that i had, I still felt sad, empty like I wasn't good enough.
I started to see my art work as cringe, bad, not satisfactory for others.

And then that is when I almost lost art forever. I logged of wattpad for a long time and I just couldn't. But just a few weeks until I finally came back, i saw a video.

This video was about someone who had the same ar experience, just like me and then. I saw it. My art wasn't bad, it was,, just developing.

So i to set it. I used inspiration from other artist from wattpad and looked up some tutorials and my finished result,, was the best I could ever do.

I was so proud it.
Here us my art works from that motivation:

I looked at it and I was like, I can't believe I doubted myself, I can do this

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I looked at it and I was like, I can't believe I doubted myself, I can do this.
And now my art is getting better!

So,, to all of you out there, who disbelief in yourself. Don't be. Take from me. Because you are capable of doing more than you think you can.

And just think even the great people on wattpad thar we all know love started from somewhere.

And even the great artists out there, when you look at old art, don't call it cringe or bad or whatever. Take it as your very first step to who you are today. Embrace it, share it, be how you are.

Cause I am sure most of you out there, including myself, are still growing, maturing, learning, just stick to what you do best and follow your light.

One day, you might just create something that no one has ever achieved before. So if art is your thing, keep it and be proud of how you have shaped out.

Love you all out there.

Posted by: Noa

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