Chapter 1

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As Sky rode her skateboard down the school hallway a teacher yelled out "Get off the board!" But she kept going as if she never heard him. "Hey listen to me stop and get off the board!" Sky came to a stop and rolled her eyes. As the teacher walked down the hallway Sky stepped on the board and it lifted and she rested the tip in her hand.

The teacher finally approached her and motioned to his ears. "Ear buds out", Sky took her ear buds out and stared at him. "What?" Sky said annoyed, "You know the rules Sky.. no riding your skateboard inside the school or on school grounds!"

Sky rolled her eyes. And once she did she noticed the crowd of teens around her. "You know how stupid that rule is Mr.Dundley?" Sky leaned against the wall blowing a bubble with her gum. "It's for safety Sky!" Sky giggled a bit "It's for safety Sky" she mimicked.

"Ms.Lorando You are making a scene and it is very unnecessary" Mr.Dundley growled. "No I'm not. You are" Sky responded. Some teens were recording by now. "I have no choice but to send you too the office" he said, "Ugh finally" As they both walked down the hall to the principals office some of the other students where laughing.

A few minutes later Sky's Mother walked into the office and into Principal Honkins room. "Sorry it took so long for me to get here, I'm so busy with work and all" Sky rolled her eye's "It's alright Mrs.Larando, all that matters is that your here"

As Sky's Mom sat down Mr.Honkins began to speak.  "Your daughter has had over 50 warnings about skating in the halls" Sky's mother sighed. "I know and I'm sorry she keeps doing this". "Well Mrs.Larando I'm sorry but this leaves us no choice but to expel her" Sky raised her eyebrow. "What! Why?!" Mrs.Larando exclaimed.

"She has been suspended to many times and it is dangerous for the other students. She has had enough warnings to know not to do it again." He paused for a moment "But chose to continue this"

"Well I'm sorry you had to do that" and with that she stood up and grabbed sky by the hood. "Hey! Watch it Morgan" Sky grabbed her board and bag, ripping her hood away from Morgan. Sky turned around while walking backwards to flip the teachers off.

Once they got in the car it started pouring, "I can't believe you!" Morgan screamed. "Well I can! School isn't good for me Morgan and you know that!" Sky yelled back. "I don't have time to argue with you" and with that she drove too their apartment.

Once they got inside Morgan got a call. "Yes, Hello?"
Sky dragged her board to her room and threw her bag on the floor. "Sky come here now!" Morgan called "Ugh". But Sky got up and went down the hall to where her mother was. "What Morgan?"

"You thought you could get out if punishment that easily?" Morgan began standing there with her arms crossed. "Kinda yeah, why?" Sky answered shrugging, "well I'm tired of this bullshit Sky I'm sending you to Australia so you can get out of Brooklyn" Morgan finished.

"Australia!? Are you out of your mind Morgan!? That's the other side of the flipping world!" Sky screamed. "I don't care your staying with my friend she has two kids and one of them is your age" Sky rolled her eyes "Oh cmon honey make new friends have fun" Morgan said in a softer tone.

"I have friends here Morgan" Sky replied coldly, "Go pack.. now." And that was the last thing Morgan said to Sky that day. It was the day of the Flight, "Still can't believe your making me do this Morgan" Sky said through gritted teeth.

"Have fun.. the Gibsons are a good family and they have another girl coming down in a little while maybe you two will be friends" Morgan said hurriedly. "Yeah sure Morgan.. I'll see you later" Sky said and walked off.

A few hours later she landed in Australia. When she got off the plane she saw the family "G'day Sky!" What seemed to be the father had called "yeah hey" Sky said unpleasantly. Once they got into the car and we're on there way to the Gibsons house, Ari tapped Sky's Shoulder. "What?" Sky said looking behind her and slightly up from the window,

"Do you surf?" Ari asked, "No, I skateboard" Sky replied looking back out the window. "Ya should come with me to the beach, I can teach ya how to surf" he said smiling "Why not" Sky shrugged

When they all arrived back to the house Ari took Sky too her room, "you will be staying in here" Sky walked into the room and noticed another bed on the floor. "Who's..?" Sky pointed at the bed on the floor, "Oh we have a uh girl comin here, her name is summer" Ari said. "Hm cool" Sky replied.

After a few hours Sky went out to the beach with Ari. "when's that stupid competition of yours?" Sky asked. "Uhm any minute now" Sky nodded. A few minutes of walking they stopped so Ari could stare at Bodhi his 'crush'.

Then a girl walked over, Ari turned around and hit her with his board, "Sorry! Sorry! Are you ok?" The girl looked up at him "maybe... if concussion doesn't take me in the night" She replied. Ari looked at her in surprise "your American" he pointed out.

"Obviously" Sky said. "Yeah, I've been consigned here, like an old timey, British convict" the girl said. "Staying with this family I haven't seen since forever" Ari looked at Sky "Wouldn't be the Gibsons would it?" Sky chimed in. The girl gave her a weird look.

"It's a- a small town everyone kind of knows everyone" Ari said quickly. "Well, From what I can tell so far, the mum is strung tighter than a violin"  She said. Ari looked at her and raised his brows, "Daughters from outer space, and. The dad reminds me of the homeless men who talk to pigeons in Central Park" Sky laughed a bit as she brought her hand up to her lips.

"Haven't met the son yet, but on the evidence, he'll definitely be somewhere on the looser spectrum"
She finished "Definitely" Sky said grinning at Ari.
"Hey what's your name? I'm summer" she said looking at Sky. "I'm Sky, nice to meet you" Summer nodded and smiled.

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