Chapter 6

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Fucking dogs are play fighting - On top of my bloody feet, luckily i haven't been bitten, but they do find lots of socks :/ *shrugs* Owchi >.<


Miagi calmed her breathing down and took a big shaky breath of the bitter air.
"He's been taken, by an old enemy of mine - his farther. He's going to kill him!" All rational thought flew out as she spoke those words and she started kicking and flailing to get out of shizuo's strong grip. Shizuo grunted with the effort of not dropping her on her face. This was troubling more so than he would of liked but the mere thought of Izaya dying was puling at his heart strings must be because it won't be him who's killing him. Shizuo sighed and put Miagi down the right way up after she had stopped kicking him in the face as she panicked.

"Do you have any idea where he could be?" Shizuo asked griping her shoulders tightly as she fought against the onslaught of tears threatening to trail down her face. Miagi sniffed and nodded her head.
"Where?" Shizuo asked trying to hurry things along.

"An old warehouse... You know the one next to the base of the yellow scarves?" Miagi said not finishing what she was going to say as Shizuo let go of her shoulders and raced to where Izaya would be.


It was painful. It was the only thing that he was aware of - the searing pain that blinded his vision with white. Izaya shook his head hoping to dislodge the blind fold.

"My...'son'... finally i will finish what i started all those years ago." The cold voice curled and scratched its way to Izaya making him shiver at its touch. Izaya clenched as hazy memories filled one by one through his head giving this voice a name. Then there was pain.

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