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TMSATNG- The Misunderstood Sould and the New girl

a/n: this was the first story I've ever published on here and I discontinued and unpublished it. enjoy.

prolog I guess

DISCLAIMER: Most information is found from wikipedia so if anything is incorrect, it is not my fault and next time I will do better research.
I own all the characters in this story, any relation to any real or other fictional person is strictly coincidental. Please ask to use any of the characters in other stories.

PSA: You can interperate how the characters look how ever you want but I try to describe them a little. The only two names yall might struggle say are: Milo=My-low and Kostas=Cost-ehss

Warnings: There is some almost swear words, lots of sarcasm,lots of cringe, some vulgar language (not swear words but just tomboy like slang and probably some pop culture references (only one definite one and it's a Mean Girls reference)Please Enjoy!

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