The Sacred Door pt 3

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Chapter 2: All legends are based around facts

I sighed and clicked the off button on the camera. Who knew that filming a video about my great great great grandma could be so exhausting? Yup, I am an ancestor of Abigail Lanett. The only reason I am promising my followers that I will solve this mystery is because I already have, and I have gotten all the permission I need to enter the room. Hovever, I'm not telling you because that would spoil the ending wouldn't it?

Next week, Tuesday, filming day.

"Hey guys, welcome back to The Sacred Door series! Today I am going to go to the Lanett museum with all the spare keys I can find in my house and searching the parts of the museum floor that is blocked off from the public to search for the door."

Driving to the Lanett musem

"So before I get too far into the series, I thought I should tell you guys two things. 1. I have all the permissions and permits I need to be doing this legally, and 2. Abigail is my 3x great grandma. But since we are there I will set up everything and start filming everything once I am set up.

In the museum, after setting up

" So guys I'm in the museum and I'm not going into the first room because from prior knowledge, I know that the only door inside it is the one going in and out right here and there isn't a lock on it and I don't want to waste our time.
The second door has a lock on it, but I have the real keys and my keys so I will try my keys first and if that doesn't work then I will use the real keys so we can look around.

20 minutes later, end of video

So, that is the end of the first floor, sorry all the rooms were a bust. Come back next week for Episode Three: The 2nd Floor. Now there are only a few rooms on that floor, I think as little as three total, one being the break room, so that video will probably be waayyy shorter than this one."

Reads: 13
Votes: 3
Parts: 3
Total Words: 646
Reason for being here: disinterest in continuing

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