Short Stories pt 1

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9. Did I really want to know the truth?

I bit my lip in an attempt to keep back the tears. I shouldn't have said anything to him, I knew it was a risk coming here but decided to do it anyway. He just looked at me blankly, not saying a word.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have come. See you later." I say, walking away from the counter and out the door. I've worked out with Alex for a while now after gaining the courage to ask in the first place. We became inseparable after that. I've been attracted to him for months and didn't think I could hold it in anymore. I should have.

I managed to make it home before breaking down, letting go everything from the last few months all during the span of 10 minutes. I know its not healthy to bottle up my feeling like this but I can't help it. I thought maybe my feelings would be reciprocated but obviously I'm a bad judge. After composing myself I head inside and lay down, sleeping the day away.

I am woken by the sound of my phone going off. It's dark in my room even though the curtains are open. After a moment I realize my phone is still ringing, so I pick it up.


"Samantha, hey. I need to talk, er, to tell you something, the truth. I'm outside. Up for a run?" I hear Alex's voice from through the phone, not letting me speak. I contemplate for a moment. Do I really want to know the truth? It doesn't take a genius to figure out he wants to talk about my confession from earlier. I almost go back to sleep, but decide to get dressed and go outside. I see him standing against the steps and when he sees me he almost looks relieved.

"Normal route?" he asks, and I nod, not entirely sure what he's up to. We set pace and jog in silence. When we stop at our normal rest stop, I turn to face him.

"Alex, you have to tell me now. I've waited but your're killing me. If you're gonna tell me you don't feel the same just get it over with, don't make me finish the run with you." I say, avoiding his eyes.

"That's the thing Samantha." he says, gently turning my head to face him before continuing, "I've loved you since the moment I saw you. When we started working out together I realized I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. When you told me earlier I was shocked. Please forgive me if I scared you but I was so scared you weren't sure that I didn't want to say anything, but I decided I don't care if I get hurt. Its you I want." he finished, gazing into my eyes with nothing but hope.

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Total Words: 475
Reason for being here: forgot how I wanted to finish writing the ending

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