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Chapter One

There I was. Beginning of sophomore year sitting in the algebra class of a new school, behind the hottest boy I've ever seen. His name, I learned is Seth, and he is absolutely gorgeous. With wavy blonde hair and a tall muscular figure, he is the perfect specimen to draw. This is my third class of the day and honestly I'm counting the seconds until it's over and I can go to art. Yeah, I know it sounds cliche, new girl at a new school is without a doubt an artist. I wouldn't consider myself an artist, because generally I use art as an escape from the real world, and very rarely to remember a face, and I just have to remember his face because I probably won't be here long anyway.
*4th period, Art 2*
I started drawing his jawline and was finishing just below his shoulders when all of a sudden a perfectly manicured hand ripped the paper off of my desk.
"Looky here, new girls drawing king Seth. How excited Cass'll be when she hears about this" the girl snickered.
Who does this chick think she is!? I can tell we won't get along. "Who's Cass?" I asked with a fake sweetness to my voice.
"I'm Cass," a nasaly voice from behind me responded. I turned around to see who said it, but I don't see much, she has fake blonde hair and is covered in pink. Bleh. "and Seth is mine so back off before I make you!"
"I'm sorry, I didn't realize hottie mc body Seth would stoop low enough to choose someone like you." I fired back.
"Ugh you bi-" she started
"You heard her Cass, leave her alone" a bored voice interrupted.
Before anyone could insult her further she angrily grabbed Sofia's arm and stormed back to their seats.
"I'm Milo" the boy smiled, "and Seth hasn't stooped nearly as low as needed to choose her."
"Lena" I smiled back, "and thanks for making her go away. Who is she anyway?"
"Cass is the Regina George of Port Isabel Highschool. She controls almost everyone, and you become at least one of the four groups if she can't. One: Her Nemesis, anyone that has the guts to overthrow her and become queen bee, Two: A Jock, any guy that is remotely attractive, plays a sport, and had a great social life, Three: The Accepted Rejects, anyone who has the guts to stand up to her but lacks the resources or want to overthrow her, or Four: The Outcast/New Kid, which is basically anyone she hasn't noticed or they haven't gotten in her way so she doesn't identify you as a threat yet. I'm in groups One and Three, and I'm assuming you will be too."
"Ok, so she is another highschool bully who will end up not changing a bit after graduation and amount to nothing later in life? Good to know I don't need to be worried about her."
The girl beside me laughed at my comment and leaned closer to me,
"Good one Lena. I'm Kelsey and I've been trying to drop her since the first day we met."
"Why haven't you?"
"She shunned everyone I hung out with before her, and I hate being alone so I just kinda stuck."
"Good to know traitor" said Cass, who had appeared out of nowhere, "too bad I'm dropping you first."
Just as I was going to rip her a new one, the bell rang, indicating lunch.

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