The Sacred Door pt 2

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Chapter One: Legends Rise

"Everyone here has heard the legend of the door. Except you obviously because, you just moved here. Anyways, I'll tell you.
It all starts with Abigail Lanett. She is the founder of Lanet Ville. She lived in a mansion on the end of Hedge Drive. When she was alive she was tried in court for being a witch. I know what you are thinking, and no this didn't happen in ancient times, Rhode Island just has old fashion rules. Anyway, after the trial she decided to buy enough land to start a village and create her own rules so anyone could practice anything and not be punished for it.
Anyway, she built her mansion on the end of the road and it became known as the first official house in Lanett Ville. Once the town grew, rumors about the creepy old woman living in the old house on Main street spawned, most of them surrounding her witch craft.
The people believed that she created a door that was always locked. The only thing is, any key would unlock it but what was behind the door changed depending on what kind of key you used.
No credible source can confirm if this is true though. The rumor started so many years ago that now all it is is a joke between kids, and the most common dare in the book. Of course no one is stupid enough to break in to the Lanett museum and go the three stories underground and sneak through all the security to reach were the door is only rumored to be. That's right, no one really knows were the door is, and in this series I'm going to solve this mystery!"

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