VFW: Attributes of democracy pt1/1

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Democracy is what defines America. Without democracy, our country could not exist the way it is today. Without democracy we could not elect our leaders, stand up for what is right, say, watch, or read what we want. Without democracy minorities could still be enslaved, women might not be able to vote. What is common with the aforementioned possibilities, is they are all some form of liberty.
Liberty, to put it simply, is freedom. The freedom to elect our leaders, the freedom that allowed the founding fathers to craft the most important piece of American literature: the Constitution. Without the Constitution, many people would not have basic human rights, many people could not get the proper help they need. The liberty to do as we please is key to the idea of the American dream. The idea of the American Dream is parallel to the idea of liberty.
Everyone has their own version of the American Dream. Any child dreams about how their life could be, about the sheer amount of opportunities available to them. As children, it might be unattainable, as teens, it's a little more realistic, and as a young adult it is so evident. Young adults, just entering or graduating college, or entering the workforce, experience the American dream. The American Dream is what has driven this country for centuries, the idea of equal opportunity for everyone, no matter who they are, where they come from, their gender, race, or religion. The idea that anyone can be anything. What drives this idea? Freedom.

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