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Lana's pov:
We decided to go and walk to the restaurant as it wasn't very far from here. We kept talking about how excited we all were and talked about random stuff teenagers talked about.

About 15 minutes later we arrived  to our destination it was a rather small place with a lovely view it was called the Lost Society. I sat beside Joe and Yaz in a large round table, Cormac kept staring at me which I found a bit uncomfortable but I just kept talking with the rest. We all ended up ordering pasta. God was it delicious, almost everyone left to the bathroom and that meant it was only Sebastian and me...

Bash's Pov:
This girl has been in my head all day long. It was like i've seen a dream, she was beautiful. She had long brown hair and was about 5'10. Her lips were the colour of strawberry icecream and her eyes looked like it could kill you, oh and that smile whenever she smiles I feel sparks in my stomach.

When she left me standing in the elevator I actually stayed in the elevator for about 2 minutes thinking about her until I realised I was super super late. When I finally left the elevator Alice was waiting for me by the door and she scolded me for being really late. I didn't care about she scolding me I just wanted to know who this girl was.

The thing is I can't date her because, I am already in a relationship. Her name is Nell she is blonde and gorgeous but we constantly argue and she always finds excuses to never hangout with me. I try not to lose my patience but sometimes I can't help it, I want to break up with her but I don't want to hurt her feelings. I love Nell with all my heart but I really like Lana too. I guess my option is to keep being with Nell.

Lana's pov:
Sebastian looked like he was really thinking about something. I decided to talk to him because I dont want to make things awkward between us.

"So Sebastian, what type of music do you like?"

He looked straight up at me and that was the first time I made eye contact with him. God those eyes look beautiful.

"Well I like The Smiths as you know I also like stuff like Frank Ocean, Arctic Monkeys, Queen, The Cure, David Bowie, Mac DeMarco etc" he said.We kept talking about music and getting to know eachother better until the rest got back. I kind of wished the rest didn't come back we were having a good time, but I guess we get to see eachother more.

We left immediately and we decided to meet up before we start shooting. We all said our goodbyes and went home, I got to my house 15 minutes later I took a big bubbly bath trying to proccess what had just happened and took the longest nap of my life. When I woke up I heard my phone buzz and realised I was put in a groupchat!

Members: Willy🍫, Joe🥨, YAZZ💅

So that lunch was really intresting😏

Oh yea Cormac really liking Ms Lana😍

OMGG yess he wouldnt stop talking about her in the bathrooms 🤡

Omg I haven't known this people for a whole day and they are already shipping me with some dude. I mean the Cormac guy really looks like he likes me.

I just ignored the messages and went back to bed.

authours note
Finally updated. We also get to see what Bash thinks of Lana lets see what will Cormac think about her.

lana xx

call me if you get lost ( sebastian croft x fem x cormac hyde corrinWhere stories live. Discover now