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Lana's Pov:
So today is my date with Cormac and im pretty nervous because how I said Ive never been on a date. He said the date started at 8 and that he was going to pick me up. It was 7:30 and I still didnt have my makeup on or my dress on.

I literally had to rush my makeup but its fine bc I wanted to go very simple. I ended up wearing a green dress

With a couple of neckclaces I honestly felt great and before I knew Cormac was already here.

He knocked like 18382717 times and there I opened the door he honestly looked great. He said I looked really nice and I said the same.

We got out of my apartment and he immediately held my hand. Weird. When we arrived he let go of my hand and opened the car door for me then he got into the car. It was about a 15 ninute drive and we just talked about the restaurant and the food.

When we finally arrived he again opened the door for me and we walked into the restaurant. The restaurant was amazing! it had ring lights around it and it had beautiful round tables. We sat down on the balcony and we order some sushi with coke. The view of London was beautiful I felt like i was in a dream of how beautiful it was, honestly
the date with Cormac was very fun he was very funny and charismatic. Before our food arrived we heard the door of the restaurant open and when I looked up I realised it was Sebastian with a girl...

Cormac didn't look very happy I didn't know why but I decided not to ask, in the other hand Sebastian looked very happy to see us. He grabbed the girls hand and dragged it next to ours.

I was very happy in seeing Sebastian and his mystery girl! Maybe we can be friends or idk atleast get along??

Bash's Pov:
Nell finally agreed on going on a date with me I still wonder why she almost never wanna go anyways we finally arrive to the restaurant Nell wantwd to go but when we arrive we see Cormac and Lana? I mean he did tell me they were going on a date but not here.

Lana looked very beautiful, her eyes were glowing and her lips were rosy pink and her long hair was beautifully placed underneath her shoulders. She honestly looked amazing. But Cormac in the other hand looked like he was going to explode...
Oopsie Daisy

Lana's Pov:
Sebastian and mystery girl sat righ5 beside us. Cormac finally cooled down after a while and started a good convo with Sebastian. The girl looked pretty annoyed so I tried and talked to her for a while and told me that her name was Nell and that she was a model. I mean I can obviously tell because she is extrenely beautiful her eyes were green with blue and her hair was even longer than mine.

They ordered straight away and honestly we talked the night away. Before we realised it was 12 a.m and we had worked at 8 so we all said oue goodbyes and left.

When were heading home I fonally decided to ask Cormac why was he upset when he saw Bash and Nell. He told me about how sometimes Nell is really bitchy and that she never treats Bash like he deserves.

I honestly felt bad about him because I know Bash is really sweet I think he wouldn't even hurt a fly of how nice he was.

After we talked about Nell we arrived at my apartment building he walked me back to my apartment door we kept silent until we finally reached it thats where he grabbed my cheek and kissed me

The kiss felt lovely he tasted like cherry and it was passionate . He then smirked and left. Leaving em standing all puzzled

Did I like Bash or Cormac? Or both?
I knew this was going to be a rollercoaster

Authours Note
In my opinion this chapter was a bit shitty and it could honestly be better. Ill try and re do it this week or next week.

Lana xx

call me if you get lost ( sebastian croft x fem x cormac hyde corrinWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt