a simple yes

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Lana's Pov:
It has been a couple months shooting  Heartstopper and its been amazing. The cast and crew are just great to work with, ive also grew closer to Joe, Yaz, Will and Tobie they are the greatest humans out there after my other bestfriends Conan and Jenny!

Ive also grew closer to Cormac he is sometimes too good to be true, we have been on a couple dates and they were great. We have also kissed like 2 times which made our friends go mad, I think im falling hard for him and I think he feels the same but I dont want to make assumptions regards that today im going on a date with Cormac!

The girls believe hes finally going to ask me to be his girlfriend but im not sure about it im just going to be patient about it and  im not really in a rush to be in a relationship.

I did loads pf shopping with Yaz and Corinna to fibd the perfect dress for tonight because hes talking me somehwere "special" i ended up buying...

I did loads pf shopping with Yaz and Corinna to fibd the perfect dress for tonight because hes talking me somehwere "special" i ended up buying

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this pink dress from miu miu I literally wasted all my savings for it. My date was at 7:45 and it was 7 añready so I did my makeup and put my hair in a sleek sorta messy bun. I felt like a princess to say the least. I texted the groupchat before leaving my apartment as soon as I left the building I spotted Cormac with his mouth wide opened it looked like his soul came out of his body when he looked at me.

"You look.. just wow" with a tint of excitement he said

I felt my cheeks flush honestly felt like Rory Gilmore with Dean. We got into his car and drove to one of the most fanciest restaurant ive ever seen I honestly think the queen would eat here. We got in and the waiter took us to the second floor where the balcony was and once we sat down I could see the whole London I could even see my apartment block. I beemed with excitement while Cormac looked at me with adoration. I felt like I was in Cloud 9, beautiful place infront of a guy who was gorgeous enough and looked like a million dollar man. I couldnt ask for nothing else in the world.

Cormac was flirtatious as ever and I just couldnt help but just admire him while he was speaking. We spoke about anything honestly, until he asked me something...

"So Lana I was thinking about us and I think I wanna step this a little further so i was wondering if you liked to be my girlfriend?"

I was speechless. But I knew we both wanted this.

"Yes" I said happily. Thats where me and him gave eachother a kiss it wasnt like the kiss we have given ourselves before this was a passianote kiss I honestly felt sparks. I was happy on the outside but in the inside I was screaming with joy. His beautiful tender lips touching mine felt like if I was eating cherries, our noses slightly brushing. We were about to keep going until the waiter ruined our moment and gave Cormac the bill.

Cormac looked annoyed but simply payed and thats where we left. When we finally arrived at my apartment he gave me one last deep kiss and left. When I entered my apartment I started jumping like of they have just told me I won the lottery it was honestly a magical night and I cannot wait to tell everyone about this tommorrow. I ended up sleeping like a baby forgetting about the bad things in my life.

Authours note:
They are finally dating AHHHHHHH!  I wanted to say im deeply sorry for not posting this weeks earlier.  But now im back ready to write more than ever also THANK YOU FOR 519 READS!!

Lana xx

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2022 ⏰

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