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Hi everyone!

Welcome to Ghost Energy's first ever novel, The First Step, which is about two runaway teenagers who go to Kanto and have the best experience of their lives.

You can read this book from the perspective of Jacob, Ezekiel or both of us if you want to!

Me and Ezekiel would like to thank...

The parents - for being very supportive and fuelling our love for Pokémon since we were young.

Wattpad - for inspiring us to make this awesome story.

The Pokémon Company - for making an incredible franchise that has touched many people's hearts and has given us both incredible nostalgia and happiness over the years.

All of the companions - for sticking with Ash and being great friends (And funny, dramatic and cool characters in this book!)

Ash Ketchum - for being the best hero that many have looked up to since the day you became a trainer. (Oh, and don't forget Pikachu for sticking with you for everything!)

Enjoy the journey everyone.

Jacob and Ezekiel  

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