Chapter 3: Part 2 - Ezekiel

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"Ash?!" I scream. 

It's Ash! He's here right in front of me! I turn to Jacob to explain how awesome this is but I can't see him anywhere. 

"Oh fudge." I hear Ash say as I turn around. 

Oh no. He must have fainted when he saw Ash! I rush over to him to help Ash try to wake him up. 

No, no, no, no, no! I'm going to have to carry him. 

"Wake up!" 

"Jacob! I'm not going to carry you!" 

Looks like I'm going to have to. 

Ash is trying to hold back a laugh, I can tell. I pick Jacob up off the ground and haul him over my shoulder. 

"It's not funny." I tell him. 

"It kinda is though..." he replies trying not to smirk. 

"Hey you guys look familiar..." Ash says looking at us and frowning. 

"Well, we won the tickets to Kanto in an unofficial magazine and immediately I thought of coming to you!" I reply. 

"But, I didn't think it would be this soon!" 

After an awkward silence I speak up. 

"So, what do we do now?" I ask him. 

"The Rattata's gone now thanks to you so we need to carry Jacob someplace since it's getting pretty dark. " Ash says. 

"I was thinking of my place. Is that okay?" 

I'm dumbfounded. Ash's own house?! Man this is just getting better and better!

"Y-y-your place? That would be awesome!" I say jumping around. 

I start making my way to Ash's house, and I hear the occasional groan from Jacob as he sleeps. After a little while, Ash speaks up.

"So, what's your story?" Ash breaks the silence as we start walking out of the woods. 

"My story?" I reply confused. 

"Well, yeah. You and Jacob must have a story to tell with your journey here!"

I decide not to tell him everything that has happened so I come up with a story about me and Jacob being super interested in Pokémon so since we live so far away from each other, we came here met each other at Leicester and came to Kanto. I even include seeing that beautiful girl with her lovely body and sparkly eyes. 

"Seems that you're quite the ladies man!" Ash chuckles.

I playfully nudge him in the arm before we both burst out laughing. I almost dropped Jacob for a moment!

"Woah! Careful with your dude there!" Ash jokes. 

After a short period of silence, rain starts lightly falling as we edge closer to the end of the woods. We finally escape the woods and the rain starts getting thicker but I can see a house on its own with a road going down to town.

As Ash unlocks the door to his house, I stare shocked at what I'm seeing. Fletchings and Spearows fly around making noises and Mareep are sitting in a pen with happy expressions. I take a quick glance around the house, and I start to feel super excited and energized. 

"Well! Welcome to my house!" Ash proudly presents. 

"Finally I can slump down and have some food!" 

"I haven't eaten in days and I'm about to drop Jacob back in the woods with having to carry him around!" I joke. 

Ash chuckles as we head inside. Inside I can see Pikachu jumping around excited to have visitors and I can immediately smell food in the kitchen. The wonderful smell wafts up my nostrils and I start drooling with hunger and thirst. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2023 ⏰

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