Chapter Three: Part 1 - Ezekiel

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As I look around our newly private plane going away from our parents all the way to Kanto, the  infamous Pokémon region, I have to admit that I am feeling a little scared while Jacob looks like he is having the time of his life. 

I still can't believe that we have finally escaped our parents and we are leaving England. Its great how we can make a fresh new start and make new friends in Kanto. We could even meet Ash and some of his other companions. 

It's gonna feel strange though. 

New place. New home. New friends. Just like starting a new school, but a lot more, extreme, you could say. 

I mean, on my first day of primary school I made a group of friends really quickly since they adored Pokémon just like me. Until when Pokémon died out, they didn't want to play anymore. But I still kept it in my heart. 

I started to scroll through the news on my phone when an all too familiar ping interrupts. 

It's my dad.

I quickly mouth to Jacob, "There's a text from my dad." 

I throw my phone towards him and he catches it and looks up. 

Where are you? You have been gone for five days, Ezekiel. Me and mum are really angry. The fact that you try to run from us is absolutely disgusting, and you seriously should be ashamed of yourself, young man. Moses keeps saying he heard something from you, but it has to be completely fake. How come you want to say something to your younger brother, but not your own parents?

The point is: WHY DID YOU RUN?

You need to own up and explain yourself.

Jacob throws my phone back to me and mouths, "Block them both." 

"They have no common sense." 

"We ran for good reason."

I block both of their messages and two pings follow. 

Oh my goodness. How could it take that long for them to message me? I hope Moses is okay. 

I give a thumbs up to Jacob.

The familiar sound of a food trolley rolling by. At first I think it might be  Jessie from Team Rocket but it's just a cute girl who asks us if we want any snacks. We both say thanks and we get ourselves some chocolate bars. 

The girl reminds me of the beautiful looking waitress who sat with me in the Premier Inn and I figure that I haven't even told Jacob about her. 

Boy will he be jealous. 

I lean over and whisper to him, "I met a girl a few days ago, and I think I like her." 

"Wait, what?" he replies looking jealous already. 

"I met a girl." 

Jacob doesn't speak for a while and I'm guessing he's contemplating the thought of me having a girlfriend. 

"Seriously?" he finally asks. 


"She was the waitress in the Premier Inn breakfast hall who I mouthed sorry to when you screamed in my ears to try and wake me up." I snap at him. 

"Well it wasn't my fault when you fell asleep on the table." he says back. 

I slump into my chair and try and push the thoughts out of my mind and think about what might be happening at home.

Are my parents looking for me? Did they hear me talking to Moses before I left? What about Jacob's family? 

"Dude." Jacob asks. 

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