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I hear the sound of pots and pans clattering, and I hear the voices of numerous people, who are seemingly very far away from me. My ears are ringing for some reason, and I don't really know where I am. 

After a little while, I finally open my eyes, and the first thing that hits me is that I am lying on a tiled blue floor, and my head really hurts. 

I look around to see that I am in a tiny bathroom, filled with washing, towels and quite possibly the most cramped shower I have ever seen. It's incredibly bright, and all of the lights have been left on. 

I get up after a few minutes, and I open a window at the back of the bathroom to see that it is heavily raining and it is pitch black outside. 

I open the bathroom door, my vision still blurry and my eyes barely open. It takes a while for my sight to adjust, but when it finally does, I stumble slowly to the room in front of me, unsure of where I am still. 

"This food's really good, Mrs Ketchum!"

"Thank you Ezekiel."

"Told you my mom's pepperoni cheese bites were good!"

Wait a second... I'm in the Ketchum residence!

My mind starts doing backflips as I try to concentrate on what's going on, as I feel jolts of complete and utter excitement flow through my body. I rub the sleep out of my eyes properly, make sure that my T-shirt isn't creased, and I quickly try to 'prepare' myself for when I walk in, as I don't necessarily want to look like a fangirl that wants to get their forehead signed by One Direction.

I take a few deep breaths, and walk into the dining room slowly, and I see everyone sitting at the table, turn their heads to look at me.

"Jacob! You're finally awake." I hear Ezekiel say and he quickly pulls out the seat next to him, gesturing for me to come and sit down. 

I stumble to the seat, and I quickly sit down, grab a knife and fork and take a few pepperoni cheese bites from a large baking tray. I start eating rapidly, shoving mouthfuls of the pastries by the hand, not bothering to use the knife and fork that I had picked up.

Ash and Delia both stare at me angrily as I am eating, so I try not to take any notice. 

It doesn't last long however, because I see Delia open her mouth to speak.

"Can I just ask where you have been for these past few hours, Jacob?"

"Ezekiel and Ash had to carry you for two miles, because you fainted in the woods, you finally wake up after almost the entire day by now, and you have the audacity to just sit there shovelling food down like a pig, not bothering to say hello to at least one of us?"

The room is silent, and I look up from my plate, feeling really embarrassed.

"Look, I'm really sorry."

"I haven't eaten basically all day because we were so busy today."

"And, the fainting was entirely accidental."

"Also, I am still really tired from the flight, and I may have slight jet lag."

After a little while, I see Ash hand me another pepperoni cheese bite, and he smiles at me.

"It's fine." he says.

"Besides, I can see why anyway."

After a brief period of eating, I quickly say "This is great, thanks Mrs Ketchum."

She silently nods, and a half smile escapes her lips. 

"I heard your broadcast on the WPOK." Ash says excitedly.

The First StepNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ