Not The Best Morals

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There are also many words that can describe Wilbur Soot. Charming, artistic, a little awkward here and there, hilarious, and also much more.

He never struggled with a more important defining word, in fact he struggled with the absence of it.

For most of his childhood he felt like there was nothing important about him, nothing lovable, nothing worthy.

He spent a lot of his time trying to be just about everything that he is not.

That was until he started streaming.

After two years of gaining a viewership and making new friends, Wilbur had finally began to find himself and find purpose.

He adored his friends, he adored his job, he adored his life.

Most of his days consisted of streaming, walking to his friends apartments, walking with his friends around the city, playing music, and sleeping.

He couldn't have asked for anything more.

He would admit that at the very pit of his stomach he did still feel lonely somehow. He wasn't sure why, he had an amazing friend group who he saw and talked to almost daily.

But regardless, he couldn't fix that feeling until he recognized what the problem was, so for now Wilbur was really comfortable with where he was in life.

On those lonely evenings however, Wilbur found himself wandering around Brighton to try and distract his mind.

He mindlessly strolled past clothing shops, gas stations, jewelry stores, and others until he stumbled across the public library.

God I haven't been here in ages, he thought to himself.

The door pushed open and he immediately smelled the scent of fresh paper and leather.

He wondered why he hadn't been here sooner.

Wilbur scanned a bunch of shelves without any particular book in mind.

He rounded the corner and saw the community computers.

He though back to when he was a teenager and used to come here after school to watch his favorite youtubers uploads.

Do these things even work anymore? He wondered.

As he walked past them he noticed one of the computers was still on.

The settings on the screen looked oddly familiar?

"Holy shit... is that minecraft?" He asked out loud without realizing.

He burst out into laughter imagining who on Earth would play minecraft on a library computer, but he respected the dedication.

He glanced one last time and before turning around he noticed that there was a server code.

His eyebrow twitched in mischievous confusion.

No. No. No. Don't even think about it. One side of his brain argued.

The other responded, it's that persons fault for keeping the server code up.

Yes, that may be true but it would be a total invasion of their privacy to join their server! The one side countered.

But he hasn't had any creative steaming content ideas in a while, chat would love this!!

No. That's completely wrong, we might not have the best morals but we still have SOME morals and that's completely not a goo-

Wilbur quickly took out his camera and snapped a photo of the server code before running off out of the library.

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