Of Course I Do

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Louise's POV:


I hear Wilbur begin his question, and the dread in my stomach coils tighter.

He already asked about my "friends" but I knew my answer wasn't going to be enough for him.

"You friends, what are their names? They have to be more than just nice" he says with a scrunch in his eyebrows.

My heart fills at the genuine interest in his tone and it drains again when I process the question.

Think Louise think

I need names

Shit what's a good name 

This is awful

"Uh, their names are—

Jesus christ just say a name you stupid fool!

"Steve and Alex" I blurt out and I physically feel my eyes widen.

No fucking way you just said Steve. and Alex.

Wilbur looks at me silently for about four seconds, and they're the longest four seconds of my entire life.

And then he just bursts out into manic laughter.

"Louise I'm terribly sorry to tell you this," he says in between laughing breaths

"but you just named the two characters in minecraft"

I cover my face with my hands and groan in embarrassment.

"I know" I say with hushed remorse.

"Are your friends psychotic murderers that can't have their identity revealed?" He asks.

"No," I say with my hands still smothered over my face.

"I don't have many friends, at least not one that I could directly mention with sincere admiration".

His face turns sad and I watch his bottom lip attempt to not protrude out.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pressure you on a question like that, if it means anything to you I personally think you'd be a lovely friend to anyone you meet".

I drop my hands and smile at him.

How did I never notice how bright his eyes are?

"You know, if anyone else ever asks you that you could use my name instead of using the names of minecraft characters"

My face and neck begins to feel warm, and I'm not completely sure why.

Before I get to respond he adds, "I'd love to be your friend Louise"

It feels like the world rips open.

"You would?" I ask in complete disbelief.

Because how does one, who grows up feeling so unloved and who has been thrown into hesitant homes her entire life ever believe that someone enjoys her? That someone wants to be around her?

He senses the utter shock on my face and I watch his eyes soften.

He lowers his voice to an almost whisper and responds, "of course I do".

"How about this" he proposes, "we get pancakes once a week at this diner?"

"I wouldn't love anything more" I say with the most honesty I've ever been capable of using.

He smiles and I watch his cheeks turn a deep pink which in turn, darken mine as well.

"For the record," I begin "I think I'll still use Steve and Alex as my go to name choices"

Our table pours out laughter.

"And Wilb-"

"No just Steve and Alex"

"But Wilbur sounds so muc-"

"Steve and Alex"


"Steve and Alex"

"Fine" he mumbles, "you win".

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