Before I Murder You

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Louise's POV:

Approximately 18 seconds ago I was inside of the public library talking to a stranger, and now I'm running down the street holding onto his hand.

Wilbur switches our hands and moves me so he's on the side closest to the street.

Do I have any clue where I am? No.

Could I potentially have just willingly accepted rushing to my own murder site? I mean possibly.

Am I maybe just desperate for social interaction? Ok yeah.

This Wilbur man is slightly out of breath smiling as we rush through the dark streets.

There is a certain glow to him, that makes me feel safe enough to keep a firm hold of his hand.

He starts to slow down as we approach what seems to be a 50's themed 24 hour diner.

He opens the door for me and guides my hesitant body inside.

I've realized that my eyebrows have been scrunched in confusion for over thirty minutes now, but unfortunately that's not going to stop because I'm now in a diner at 10 pm that's completely empty except for two waitresses in pink classic dresses.

The shorter one, with red bouncy curls walks up and sweetly smiles, "table for two?"

Wilbur nods his head and charms the lady with a  smile.

I notice that her cheeks go much pinker than the blush she has on.

I mindlessly follow the two of them and sit in the booth across from Wilbur.

The waitress places two menus on the table. "I'll be back in a few minutes to get your drink orders, enjoy".

"Thank you" he responds.

"Yeah... thank you?" I respond still completely confused and dizzy by the recent events that have taken place.

"Can I ask why I'm at a diner right now?" I say trying to sound respectful but also a little, no, extremely, unaware of my surroundings.

Wilbur laughs and ducks his head down, it was sweet and I tried to bite down my smile.

"Well, you said you like pancakes right?"

Before I could even grab my dignity my face lights up and I blurt, "They're my most favorite food ever". Afterwards I pull my hands up to my mouth as if that will reverse what I've already said.

Wilbur just stares at me with a dumbfounded smile on his face.

"I thought this would be my thank you gift, and late birthday gift to you for letting me play minecraft with you".

When he says it my neck feels ... warm? And my stomach starts to feel like it's being flipped in circles but in a good way somehow.

What is happening to me?

"A murderer who buys his victims their favorite food before killing them, that's sexy" I say as I feel my comfortability kick in.

It's odd, I never open up to people but part of my brain just wants to tell him all those little things about myself, and I'm not sure why.

He smacks his hand on the table while the room erupts with laughter.

"What's up with your sexy murderer kink?" His deep voice asks out of breath from laughs.

And I hate to give it him, but it gets a good laugh out of me as I try to not snort because of course I was cursed with snorting.

He sits there grinning at me while I calm down.

"It's not a murderer kink, I just have my priorities set. If I can't romanticize my death then what can I do?"

"Don't worry, I'll keep you around for a little since I'm enjoying my time with you. I've gotta get to know you before I murder you"

Just as he finishes the waitress shows up at the table with her mouth wide open and eyes frozen in fear.

Both Wilbur and I immediately begin cracking up.

"Don't worry he was just reading his new poem to me" I say causally.

She nervously smiles and sets down two glasses of water.

"So what can I get for you folks?"

"Pancakes" I say immediately. "Oooh maybe with a little bit of whipped cream please" I add on.

"I'll get what she's getting" Wilbur says without breaking eye contact with me.

It makes me nervous, and the weird flapping in my stomach picks up again.

"Alright I'll get those in for you right now" she says gathering the menus and walking away from the table with a newfound speed that certainly wasn't there before Wilbur brought up putting my murder on pause.

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