An 80 Year Old Pervert

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Louise's POV

As I had my character walking between my two houses the bottom left corner of my screen read,
"WilburSoot Joined The Game"

Ok I'll admit to you, I did jump out of my chair when it popped up.

Who the hell was going to tell me that minecraft allowed other people to join? And also who the hell is Wilbur Soot?"

At this point I was nervous, I started looking around to see if there were other people using the computers but the whole library was practically empty.

I guess the only thing I could do was write in that chat and figure out who this creep was.

Instead of going straight for, "who the fuck are you and why are you in my minecraft world" I opted for a simple, "hello?"

Wilbur's POV:

I started bursting out into laughter with chat.

"Oh my god" I drag out wiping at my eyes from all of the laughter.

"This poor person is probably so confused. Quick chat what do I say back?? Ok.... Ok yeah I'll say hello back."


"Alright now we wait"

Who are you?

"How much do you think I'd piss them off if I just said my username. You know what fuck it let's do it" I say giggling.

Wilbur Soot

I mean yeah I gathered that part.. how did you join my game?

Laughter erupted out of me again. "Look at this chat, they've got some smart ass in them. This is getting good!!"

Before I answer that, I should ask who you are.

"Don't worry, if they start saying anything personal I'll cover it so none of their information is leaked".

I asked my question first, obviously you don't know how this works.

I couldn't help but laugh again, god my face was starting to hurt.

"Ok fine chat you're all being so boring, I'll be honest with them."

Saw your code on the library computer, how come you're playing at the library?

Cause why would I spend my money on a computer if there's a free one down the block?

"You know what, touché. They make a good point, what if I sell my PC and start streaming at the library the lag would be unreal. I think I'm getting an idea. Anyways what do we do now? Hmmm... that's true chat, they didn't answer my question"

Ok now answer my question who are you?

What do you mean? Like what's my name? Or where I'm from? You haven't really thought this out have you?

"DAMN!! THEY'RE CALLING ME OUT. ABORT ABORT MAYDAY. Ok but actually they're right, like what am I even supposed to know about them?"

Chat filled up with questions like "THEIR AGE" "THEIR NAME"

"Yeah I guess that's what I'm wondering but I shouldn't do that on stream. For now let's just ignore them to piss them off and explore the world"

Did my response not sit well with you?
Ok but I mean suck it up, you're the one out here being vague.
I need details.
Whatever, just don't touch my cats or I will find you.

Immediately the breath was taken out of me and I doubled over wheezing.

"Ok you heard the person chat, absolutely no touching the cats"

Chat was going crazy flying through with "LOLLLL" and "WHO IS THIS PERSON"

After about 15 minutes of exploring the world I said goodbye to chat and ended the stream.

And to say I was curious, would be an understatement.

I typed into the chat

Ok now who are you?

Are we really going to do this again? You have to be more specific.

Alright, what's your name?

I've heard that I'm not supposed to give out information online. Be honest are you an 80 year old pervert.

The laughter this person was getting out of me was unbelievable and I didn't even know who they were.

Nope, not an 80 year old pervert, just a 24 year old guy.

Kind of the same thing.

HAHAH true for some people.

My name is Louise

Cool name, mine is still Wilbur

That's really a terrible name, I'm sorry for you

Thank you for your condolences, I'm sorry for myself too.

You're also very old

Jesus what have I even done to you? And if I'm so old how old are you??

#1 You joined my minecraft world like a creep
#2, I'm 22, as of today.

Oh, Happy Birthday! How come you're spending it on a public library computer playing minecraft.

Does that not sound like an ideal birthday to you? Personally I'm having the time of my life with my two cats.

I mean I suppose that's fair enough.

That's what I thought
Anyways, the library is about to close, nice (not nice at all) speaking to you Wilbur Soot


Yes?? The librarian doesn't look happy, make this quick.

I panicked and typed out wait before even thinking. What do I even say now?

"Hey I had the most fun this entire month talking to you on a minecraft server than I had in a long time please don't leave yet"

I mean no way in hell could I say that.

When are you playing minecraft again?

Whenever I feel like it

Come on, just give me an answer

Fine. Same time tomorrow.

Ok, ok good.

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