Sensitive Fragile Masculinity Motherfucker

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I'm so excited to introduce this character, I've been working on her and her personality for SO long. In fact, I almost spent more time on this character than I did Louise which is insane.

I think you'll all absolutely adore her wit, her perfect (sometimes not perfect) comedic relief, and her relatability.

Without further adieu, introducing

Veronica (Ronnie) Trek

Age: 22 "It's quite possibly the only thing I would ever consider shoving up my ass, and I've had a lot of rough Tuesday nights so that's saying a lot"(While writing Ronnie's character I couldn't stop imagining her as Camille Rowe so I had to make...

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Age: 22
"It's quite possibly the only thing I would ever consider shoving up my ass, and I've had a lot of rough Tuesday nights so that's saying a lot"
(While writing Ronnie's character I couldn't stop imagining her as Camille Rowe so I had to make that the inspo)


Louise's POV:

I was having one of those days where my guard was down and the idea of judgement had completely left my mind.

Those days happen every so often, so when the crossing guard almost let a car hit me I ended up screaming "your balls are the size of your brain, air head"

Definitely not my brightest moment, but I bet that crossing guard won't ever forget me after that.

That same attitude stayed with me during work at the coffee shop.

Some dude came in and asked for "a pumpkin sliced latte with oat milk and two splenda but make sure the cinnamon topping is the shape of the leaf and not the pumpkin and make sure that the whipped cream is plant based and half the normal size".

Yeah. Ok.

So as I grab the cup only the bugs on the wall would have heard me mumble "pillow princess".

The shop was relatively empty today so I sat hiding under the counter reading my newest book from the library.

I hear the door swing open so I jump up and then end up absolutely bashing my head against the top of the counter.

"Shit" I hiss out while rubbing the already formed bump.

I look over and a woman walks in on the phone, looking visibly distressed.

"You know what? FUCK YOU BRIAN.

I don't care about a house, who needs shelter to survive anyways!

You know how I always said that I liked that mole on your back. That was a LIE. It's fucking disgusting and I only called it cute because I knew how much of a sensitive BITCH BABY YOU ARE"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2022 ⏰

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