Chapter 4: One More Complication

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As I opened the door to the house, I was exhausted and all I wanted to do at this point was to pack up for tomorrow and relax while watching reruns of Alias and Arrow, and all the Arrowverse shows that came after it.

"Hey, we didn't expect you so soon!" I heard a familiar but less than pleasurable voice.

Looking at who I had hoped was not who I thought it was, I looked directly at him in the eye and glared at him.

It was James with my Ex, Kayla.

As I walked in, slowly and calmly, contemplating how I was going to kick these two out of my house when they had screwed me over in such a cutthroat way.

My aunt and uncle, Ragheb and Jihan, and my cousins, as well as my mom, all watched as I walked in with a less than happy expression. I was still angry at how I was stabbed by my brother and having these two over, had made me reach my tipping point.

"So, I see you've recovered nicely and..." Kayla began to say.

Until I interrupted her.

"Yeah!" I quickly said, looking at her and James. "I'm sure you two have better things to do than to be here!"

"Omar, they just stopped by to see how you were doing..." my mom tried to defend, which pissed me off because she knew damn well why I wanted nothing more than to have these two out of my life.

"We simply came to see..."

"Get out!" I interrupted in a frigid tone.

He stayed quiet for a long time as if wondering why when he knew what he did to me when he moved in on my Ex while we were dating.

"Very well" said James, and both he and Kayla left defeated and could see that they had no shame in their expressions.

"Why did you do that?!" my mom gave me a look of disagreement. "They heard about your injury and they simply wanted to see how you were doing."

"Do you think they came to see how I was doing?!" I glared at her, angry that she even allowed them into our house.

"I don't understand. I thought about this whole situation with your cousin and what he did to you...would have made you see things differently?"

Looking over at Louai, it was obvious he still felt guilt over what he did to me over six months ago. In a way, I moved on and did in a way forgive him the same as I had with Khaled, but the hurt was still there, and felt stupid even thinking about going back with them. But at the end of the day, they were my family and nothing would change that.

"Mom, they betrayed me. James moved in on Kayla while we were dating and knowing that and yet you still let them into our home?"

"Don't forget I'm the owner of this house!" my mom tried to counter, but there was something she did not know. "And if I want to, I'll sell it!"

"Stop mistreating him" Ragheb gently said.

"I know you mean well, but he's my son and..." I decided to interrupt my mom.

"And there's a piece of information you don't know about" I stifled a laugh. "You see, dad left the house under my name and he explained in a letter, addressed to me that he did so because he knew you would spend all the money on Santi! And unless I say so, you can't do a thing to this house without my written permission!"

My mom was shocked. She did not know about this and had assumed the house was under her name the whole time, or she knew but left it out in an attempt to fool me.

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