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By the time they arrived, it was in middle of the rush hour, the bustling lobby was crowded with diners. A waiter led them through the crowd and into their private box. Meals already served.

"Eat, love"ShangYu offered him a bowl of soup, and added a piece of boiling meat on his plate . ShangYu's eyelashes were softly shadowed by the incandescent light above, ShiWen took a small sip of the steaming soup in his bowl, glancing timidity at his boyfriend across the table. He hesitated, hand gripping and loosen on his chopsticks, before mirroring the man, and added a piece of boiling meat on ShangYu's as well.

"Hmm?" Shang Yu looked at him, confused

"......I.."ShiWen stammered, being caught in the act, he glanced up nervously, meeting ShangYu's stare. His eyes were black, like unblemished ink, with only flecks of white light shimmering within, like delicate starlight."...I mean, um..You should also eat something."

ShangYu grinned, his heart seemed to be caressed by a pair of tender hands, like he was dipped in to lemonade, his entire body was flooded with a sour, pleasant, and supple sensation. "Well, yeah, I guess I should."ShiWen was still staring at him from across the table, nervous. Swallowing the food in his mouth, ShangYu reached out, messing ShiWen's hair.

"Love, it's your turn." He coaxed.

"Oh!" His frowning heart was somewhat smoothed out, ShiWen flashed ShangYu a slight smile. After taking a few mouthfuls of rice , ShiWen gathered the courage again and added some more food on ShangYu's plate, and then watched as he ate them down.

It was late at night when the two had finished their meal. The streets were lighted with cheerful and vibrant colored lights.

"Your full?" ShangYu asked, stroking ShiWen's hair. The driver was waiting at the door, the, their face was illuminated by a hazy mixture of colored lights.. ShiWen was leaning on ShangYu's shoulder, their hand intertwined. "A little, I guess."

" Let's take a walk then."

ShiWen nodded, nuzzling on his boyfriend's shoulder.

The street was lined with shops, and many people were out strolling around at night. ShiWen followed ShangYu as they strolled down the street, sometimes, he would whispered to him while pointing to the things in the glass window.

The scent of syrupy red wine lingered on his nostrils, mingling with his own. Shang Yu approached to ShiWen's neck and shoulder and lightly sniffed, realizing that both he and ShiWen had applied inhibitors to their glands when they were outside and that this smell should be his own illusion.

"No...nothing," ShangYu said, pointing to the doll ShiWen had shown him, "I just think the rabbit looks like you."

"?" ShiWen followed ShangYu's finger and spotted an ugly rabbit with droopy ears.

ShiWen, "..."

"Pfft," Shang Yu moved in close and nibbled on ShiWen's ear, obviously seeing the anger written all over the other's face, "I'm just kidding, my ShiWen was absolutely handsome."


It was his friend, stepping out of the clothing store they had just passed, who had his arm around a stranger Omega.

"What a strange coincidence."Shang Yu greeted the other man with his arm around ShiWen.

""What a surprise," the friend grinned as he approached him with the beauty in his arms. "What brings you here? I thought you hated the street?"

"Well," Shang Yu said hesitantly, "I didn't have someone to keep me company before, so I was too lazy to come, but now I do."

"And who may he be?" The friend only then noticed ShiWen in ShangYu's arms , his eyes glanced back and forth at the person's face a few times, ,and with a sudden flash of light, he blurted, "Holy shit, isn't that 'that person'!"

"His name is ShiWen."

"He is my mate."

Shang Yu tightened his grip on Shi Wen's hand.


I'm backkk

I've been pretty occupied with my other book Tears In Rain lately, so I kinda discontinued it for some time. But I will focus on this book once the Tears in Rain is finished, which had about 4 chapters left.

Btw just a small ad:

Tears In Rain is Johnlock/Mystrade fan fiction by keelyce, though it's a fan fiction, it could be also be seen as a original work because it's a different AU and didn't have many thing to do with the plot in Sherlock (2010-2017). It is very well know in Chinese Johnlock fandom for how traumatic it was for the Johnlock/Mystrade shippers.

I probably will start translating more fan fiction rather that web novels. Because many of which were actually much more well written and more translatable, for it will not associate in as many Chinese/Western cultural difference as web novels does, and was written in a way closer to English sentence structure.

To ensure readability, I'll make sure the fan fiction won't be highly based on the plot of the original movie/tv show/book ect.

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