Chapter 2: The Start.

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Timeskip to May 1st.

Today is 1st May and the S-System finally will be revealed, we all received 45,000 points so it means we have 450 class points that's good, I mean it's better than not having 0 money like Class D. During the time of this month I am really impressed with Ryuuen he told I mean threatened everyone to behave like an honor student during the class he told that we are evaluated by how we behave in the classes he also found out the hidden cameras, seriously he is good. I had to make my Impression good among my classmates so I told them yes I did not threaten them well anyways I told them to save some points at the end of the month some of the students asked me 'why should we do that', Ryuuen glared at them which made all of them shut up and nod their head like a good child but I reassured all of them and told them that why would the government give all of us 100,000 yen to some high school students and some other things too, I did not say much as I don't want them to know all of these things that early and change the timeline very much. I don't know why but I am afraid of changing the timeline or the events that happened, I don't want things to change very much so I am doing this slowly as I can.

Well, aside from it I am quite close to both Ibuki and Hiyori. As for Hiyori she always invites me to the library which I always accept like how can anyone reject this creature, I do not read books that much but I guess I am liking what she is recommending to me. As for Ibuki she was a loner at first but soon she started to hang out with us and when Hiyori is focused on her book then Ibuki invites me to hang out with her, I always say it's a date but she always kicks me and says I can't bear to see your loner ass, Ouch I know that she is a tsun tsun but damn it hurts when someone says it. One time I and Ibuki both saw Ryuuen and Hiyori eating at the cafeteria together Ibuki and I were both shocked seeing this and after that, we both talked I mean interrogated Hiyori and she said that 'Kakeru-Kun is a good man aside from how he acts during the class, I mean he treats men nicely and sometimes hangs out with me too' as I head Hiyori I decided that Hiyori and Kakaeru-Chan can be a good couple I mean a Tyrant and an angel, Ibuki also agreed that she can hang out with the wild dragon but if he does anything then Hiyori can tell you what he did, I know that Kaku-Chan won't do anything to our angel.I also made friends with Ishizaki and Albert, I don't know why but I like to hang out with them, especially Albert he does not say anything much but I feel comfortable around that guy, but Ryuuen made them their lackeys but allowed them to hang out with me and have a bit fun. Ryuuen and I had a hostile relationship with each other but as I helped him with his theories about the S-System, I can say that after that he trust me a bit or more as he said to me that 'You are my right-hand man Ren' I also reassured him one more time that I am his ally, not his enemy but earning the trust of the Dragon is hard.


Saka-Sensei arrived and slammed the clipboard on the podium also snapping me back to reality, we all looked towards Saka-Sensei who had a wide grin on his face, after some moments he said.

"We are going to start studying I hope no one has any questions?"

"Kukuku, Sensei just tell us the remaining thing we are not fools at least not some of us though."

"What are you talking about Ryuuen?"

"Sakagami-Sensei, just drop the act and tell us about the remaining information of S-System."

Sakagami-Sensei's grin grew wider and then he said.

"I see, only two of you in this class have some brains."

"Kukuku, what are you talking about Sensei?"

"Who's acting now Ryuuen, well anyways I'll tell you all that we are talking about."

Saka-Sensei then told us about the whole S-System.

After the whole explanation whole Class erupted into chaos but calmed down cuz the dragon breathed out the fire to shut them all up, then Saka-Sensei unwrapped a white poster and pasted it on the board, the white poster consisted of class points of all classes, and the marks of the recent quiz.

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