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Oh girl!
You're doing it again,
Aren't you?

Comparing yourself
To that girl.
She looks happy,
Doesn't she?

You wanna be her,
Don't you?
Her life seems so good
After all.

But what about you,
What about your life,

Look at yourself.
Where were you last year?
Who were you?
What was going on?

You've made it so far.
You'll make much farther.
Did that girl live your life?
Did she go through your problems?

You lived your life,
However hard it was.
You survived it.

So who's she that
You're even comparing
Your whole self with?
Could she have survived that?

There's no competition.
There can never be.
It's not you vs her;
It's you vs you.

You've been fighting the wrong competition, girl.

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